I've been running the following hack for a while.  I added it when we
first tried running under mod_perl, and it slipped into production and
got forgotten about.  Taking it out causes the application to fail to
assign run modes correctly when running under mod_perl.

In CGI::Application:Plugin::Routes
sub routes_parse {
        #all this routine, except a few own modifications was borrowed from
the wonderful
        # Michael Peter's CGI::Application::Dispatch module that can be found 
        # http://search.cpan.org/~wonko/CGI-Application-Dispatch/
        my ($self) = @_;
        my $path = $self->query->path_info;
        # Mike mod_perl hack
        if (!$path) {
                $path = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
                $path =~ s/^\/[\w\.]+//;

seems like a very simple issue - for some reason path_info is not
defined under mod_perl?

I get the same behaviour with CGI::Application 4.50 and 4.31

I'd really prefer to remove this awful hack from my code - can anyone advise?



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