On 24/02/14 20:01, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

I took a look at the filters in the recent 0.10 release and had a few
minor questions. ;)

First, the email-gravatar.lua script seems to require luacrypto?
( http://luacrypto.luaforge.net/ ) This is pretty ancient and not
packaged in Fedora at least. Is there some other more supportable
library that could be used?

lua-md5 seems better if you just need a md5?

Also, would it be possible to optionally use libravatar? They are free
software, where gravatar is not. ;(

Next, the email-gravatar.py script requires python3?
Would it be possible to also have a python2 compatible version? Older
systems are still not using python3.

Finally the highlight script has 2 different calls for version2 or 3 of
highlight. Perhaps we could move that to a build time check? Or even a
runtime one? or just split them into 2 scripts?

I did put a check in the script but Lars - the original maintainer - didn't like that and made it this way.
We could put it back if the current maintainers agree.

Also, if you use highlight you'll want to add some highlight css to your cgit css. See my tracCGit spec file for an example: https://github.com/reposerf/tracCGit/blob/master/trac-CGit-plugin/trac-CGit-plugin.spec#L36

Thanks for all your work, cgit is great!


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