Joyojeet will be talking in this week's seminar:

CSE 590f
Computing and the Developing World
Wednesday,  January 28,  4pm,  CSE 403

RuralScope: An Repository for Tracking Rural Disbursements
Joyojeet Pal   

Concerns among development professionals about designing robust information 
systems to enable efficient disbursement of development funds are seen in the 
rising interest in e-governance projects in various parts of the developing 
world. The National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREG) Scheme in India has been 
one of the largest rural unemployment benefits schemes in the world, both in 
economic terms and in complexity of implementation. The scheme currently offers 
payments to over 31.1 million households throughout the country. Within the 
first few years of its implementation, a number of allegations of irregularity 
in both the implementation and disbursement. The information-related problems 
posed by the NREG implementation mirror issues faced by several similar rural 
development projects around the world that involve small disbursements to large 
numbers of recipients. While a large amount of data exists both on the outlay 
and expenditure of disbursements as well as past monitoring, poor organization 
of the data hampers accurate evaluation of the progress and impact of the 
scheme. RuralScope is an initiative to create an efficient and searchable 
system of data, first for use by field monitors, and second for use by 
researchers studying the impact of such programs. Through an annotatable online 
feature, RuralScope also aims at aggregating various sources of knowledge about 
the NREG scheme, potentially offering a model for similar development projects 
where access to information on users is hard to reach.

Joyojeet Pal is a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Information 
and Society at the School of Information, University of Washington. His 
research is broadly on technology and economic development. His recent work has 
focused on children's shared use of technology in education.

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