Hi Change community,

If you're interested in research on gig work, platformization, and the
future of work, please consider attending this conversation with Dr. Noopur
Raval at the CHIWORK Symposium on Thursday. These conversations are a great
way to engage with new ideas and socialize with researchers working in this
area. See below for details!


Naveena Karusala


chiwork.org | @chiworksymp

Noopur Raval in conversation with Neha Kumar at CHIWORK

“Studying Intersectional Challenges in Gig Work: Lessons from the Global

Thursday, November 11, at 5:30 PM UTC / 5:30 PM London / 9:30 AM Seattle /
11:00 PM New Delhi

Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/98578905160

About Noopur Raval

Noopur Raval <https://noopur.xyz/> is a postdoctoral researcher at the AI
Now Institute and an adjunct professor at the Tandon School of Engineering
at New York University. She received her PhD in Informatics from UC Irvine
in 2020 and is a tech ethnographer and interdisciplinary scholar at the
intersection of HCI, Communication and Media Studies, Cultural Anthropology
and Postcolonial History. She has written extensively on gig work,
platformization and the future of work in the global South. Her new work
extends to studying the cultural labor and subjective decision-making by
global South data annotators in order to train AI/ML systems. Her work has
appeared in CSCW, CHI, ACM Interactions among other venues. She has also
worked in UX research at multiple Microsoft Research labs. Noopur is an
alumna of the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard
University and the Center for Tech, Society and Policy at UC Berkeley.

About Neha Kumar

Neha Kumar <https://www.nehakumar.org/> is an associate professor at the
Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research lies at the intersection of
human-computer interaction and global sustainable development, with a focus
on global health and community informatics. Neha serves as CHIWORK
Technical Program Committee co-Chair.


The Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK) brings
together experts with various backgrounds to build an understanding of how
advanced HCI will support work in the future and how it will also allow
workers to balance work and wellbeing. The symposium is an ongoing event,
with online conversations that are held roughly once a week, throughout the
year. Each conversation is 60 minutes long, split into two 30-minute
segments. The first segment is recorded and it starts with a dialogue
between an organizer and one or more expert guests. This dialogue is
followed by questions from the audience. The second segment is not recorded
– during these 30 minutes the conversation becomes a social event where
participants can discuss any topic.
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