For those preparing ICTD papers, here are some unsolicited thoughts...

        On Writing ICTD Research Papers
        < Writing ICTD Research 

        "What makes ICTD research research, and not just reports about 
        projects in rural villages? What does it mean to have economics and 
        research side by side with computer science and electronic engineering? 
How can
        we preserve the integrity of methodologies developed by individual 
        while allowing for cross-fertilization among fields and a healthy 
respect for
        other disciplinary perspectives?

        Having served the conference in various capacities, I've asked these 
        from a variety of perspectives, some of it in heated discussion with 
        Below is a sketch of what I arrived at for authors, particularly in 
terms of what
        constitutes good ICTD research and what goes in a good ICTD paper. It 
        reflects my personal biases. Nevertheless, my hope is that the ideas 
        provide some guidance for those new to ICTD research or to authors 
        papers to the ICTD conference."

I hope it's useful!


Kentaro Toyama (Microsoft Research India)
Co-Founder, IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD)

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Heeks []
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:53 PM
To: Richard Heeks
Subject: IEEE/ACM ICTs and Development '09 Conference: Funding, Paper Deadline 
and Submissions

Conference paper submissions for the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on 
Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2009) are due 
by 22ND SEPTEMBER 2008.

Submissions can be made via:

Author instructions are available at:

The ICTD2009 Conference will be held 17-19 April 2009 at Carnegie-Mellon's 
state-of-the-art campus in Doha, Qatar (  This 
conference will act as a focal point for new scholarship in the field of ICT 
and international development.  Confirmed speakers include a keynote by William 
H. Gates, Chairman of Microsoft Corporation.

We aim to provide funding for attendance of one author of each paper accepted 
for oral presentation at the conference.  We are working to raise additional 
sponsorship to cover attendance of other participants, with priority given to 
students and participants from developing countries.

We invite submission of conference papers relating to use of ICTs for 
development according to the following schedule:

September 22, 2008              Submissions due
January 15, 2009                Final decisions sent out to authors
February 20, 2009               Camera-ready papers due
April 17-19, 2009               Conference

Only original, unpublished papers in English will be considered, through 
double-blind review. Word-length limit: 8000 words. All papers will be printed 
in the conference proceedings, and some will be developed for a journal special 

Do contact us if you have any queries about ICTD2009, or about submission of a 

Richard Heeks (U. Manchester), Rahul Tongia (Carnegie-Mellon U.)
Programme Committee Co-Chairs, ICTD2009

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