This Thursday at Change Meg Coyne, Dylan Price, and Mark Ullery will be
leading a discussion on good intentions in global development as part of an
outreach project for another seminar, *GEOG 499B - Beyond Good Intentions:
Evaluating Global ?Development? Work Critically*. We hope to bring some of
the key ideas of that seminar to Change and discuss them in the context of
ICT4D. Specifically, when are good intentions not enough? When are they
harmful? How can we best use our good intentions to make a difference in
issues of poverty, injustice, and inequality?

You can find out more about the seminar here:

What : Meg Coyne, Dylan Price, and Mark Ullery on Beyond Good Intentions:
Evaluating Global ?Development? Work Critically.

Where: Allen Center, CSE 203

When: Thursday, February 23 at noon.
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