On Monday,  April 9 at 4:30 PM in CSE 691,  P Anandan,  CEO of the Wadhwani 
Institute of Artificial Intelligence (https://wadhwaniai.org/) will give an 
overview talk describing the new research institute.  P Anandan was the 
Founding Managing Director of the Microsoft Research India.

The Wadhwani Institute of Artificial Intelligence was launched on Feb 18 with a 
focus on social good and betterment.  It was founded by technology 
entrepreneurs Romesh and Sunil Wadhwani, to bring the immense promise of AI to 
bear upon large-scale social problems. The  Government of Maharashtra and the 
University of Mumbai have provided space in the heart of Mumbai for the 
institute. The Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence will:

  *   Develop solutions in agriculture, health, education, financial inclusion, 
language, and infrastructure.
  *   Be a hub for AI scientists from top global institutions to collaborate 
with social-sector organizations.
  *   Explore questions of ethics and guidelines for AI in development.

P Anandan will give a brief talk about the institute followed by a discussion 
of the goals and opportunities  of Wadhwani AI.

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