I've worked with PIH in this capacity and it was life-changing job...

Partners In Health is a non-profit corporation based in Boston,
Massachusetts, whose mission is to provide a preferential option for
the poor in health care. Through service delivery, training, research,
and advocacy, PIH works globally to bring the benefits of modern
science to those most in need, and to serve as an antidote to despair.
PIH currently has programs in Haiti, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Russia,
Rwanda, Lesotho, Malawi, and Boston. PIH is also one of the two
founding organizations of the OpenMRS open source electronic medical
record system.

We are looking for a full-time Java developer to join the informatics
team that builds and supports our open source Electronic Medical
Record systems. You will be working in a complex and fast-paced
environment with programmers, doctors, epidemiologists, and research
assistants spread across countries and continents. This job combines
the cutting edge of medical informatics work in developing countries
with the emotional rewards of seeing your work help people in a very
direct way. Travel to our project sites is expected.

Find out more at http://www.pih.org/youcando/join/J2EE_Programmer_Position.pdf

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