Please join us for the Change Seminar this week on *Tuesday 1/9/2018* in *EEB

*Who:* Negin Dahya, Assistant Professor, The Information School, Adjunct
Assistant Professor, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
*What: **Exploring the Role of ICTs in Refugee Education: Teaching and
Learning Networks in Kenyan Refugee Camps*
*When: *Tuesday, Jan 16th, 12-1pm
*Where: EEB 003*

*Abstract: *The study of information and communication technology in
development settings is a rich and complex field of research and practice.
Mobile phones have become a crucial part of this landscape, amplifying
possibilities for information sharing, formal and informal education, and
for building community networks locally and globally. Refugee camps are
unique and hazardous environments where each limited resource available can
have lasting and meaningful implications for individual lives and for the
make-up of entire communities. The focus of this talk will be on the role
of mobile technologies to support teachers in their ongoing, in practice
professional development, and specifically with regard to changing the
social and cultural beliefs and practices related to girls going to school
in the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya.

*Bio: *Dr. Negin Dahya is an Assistant Professor at the University of
Washington Information School. She completed her PhD in Education at York
University (Toronto, Ontario). Dr. Dahya’s research is focused on the
social and cultural context of technology use among girls and women of
color in North America and internationally. Her research has explored how
girls of color in North America use digital media in educational settings,
as well as how digital and social media influence educational opportunities
for refugee girls and women in refugee camps in Kenya.  Dr. Dahya is part
of the Digital Youth Lab at the University of Washington Information School
and serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the UW Department of
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies. She is also an Affiliate Faculty at The
Center for Communication, Difference & Equity in the UW Department of
Communication and serves on committees for the non-profit organization Reel
Grrls and The Inter-Network Agency for Education in Emergencies.
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