This linked talk seems applicable to work that many of us do!


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: UW Center for Human Rights <>
> Subject: Panel on 4/26: Women's Economic Rights in India, Liberia and 
> Myanmar; spring symposium reminder
> Date: April 20, 2018 at 09:51:42 PDT
> To: <>
> Reply-To: UW Center for Human Rights <>
> Panel: Women's Economic Rights in India, Liberia and Myanmar 
> <>
> Thursday April 26, 2018
> Thomson Hall, Room 317, UW Seattle
> 12:00 pm - 1:20 pm
> Lunch provided. Seating is limited. Arrive early.
> We're pleased to welcome three Landesa 
> <>
>  visiting professionals coming from India, Liberia, and Myanmar. In addition 
> to visitors from China and Tanzania, these professionals have been chosen to 
> attend a special Women's Land Rights Visiting Professionals Program 
> <>,
>  a "capacity-enhancing and network-building initiative of the Landesa Center 
> for Women’s Land Rights. The program seeks to cultivate a network of 
> qualified practitioners from around the world who are strongly committed to 
> strengthening women’s land rights at local, national, regional, and global 
> levels"
> The three presenters, including Kanta Singh (State Project Head, UNDP India), 
> Julie Weah (Executive Director, Foundation for Community Initiatives, 
> Liberia) and Aye Chan Myae (Forest Governance and Gender Specialist, 
> Advancing Life and Regenerating Motherland, Myanmar), will be highlighting 
> their respective countries as a case study on women's economic rights issues 
> and interventions. The panel will be moderated by Diana Fletschner, Ph.D., 
> Senior Director, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation at Landesa.
> Speaker bios available at this link. 
> <>
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