Join us for the Change Seminar tomorrow - Tuesday 25th February 2020 at

When: Tuesday 1/28, 12pm-1pm

Where: CSE2 271 (Bill & Melinda Gates Computer Science Building).

"How Technology Shapes the Crowd and Protects Electoral Integrity: Digital
and Real-World Political Participation in Emerging Democracies."

James D. Long, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of
(with Clark Gibson, Karen Ferree, and Craig McIntosh--UC-San Diego  &
Danielle Jung--Emory University)

How does technology shape political participation and electoral integrity
in emerging democracies? By lowering costs, new information and
communications technology (ICT) draws new participants into politics. Yet
lower costs also shift the composition of participants in politically
important ways by attracting more extrinsically motivated individuals and a
crowd that is more responsive to incentives (``malleable'') and sensitive
to costs (``fragile''). We illustrate these dynamics using VIP: Voice, a
multi-channel ICT platform we built to encourage both digital and
real-world forms of participation in South Africa's 2014 election. VIP:
Voice allowed citizens to engage in campaign activities via low-tech mobile
phones and high-tech social media, randomized incentives for different
types of participation, and generated a corps of citizen election monitors
deployed to provide checks on the integrity of vote counts. VIP: Voice
generated engagement in over 250,000 South Africans but saw large attrition
switching from low to high-cost forms of engagement, and attrition was
particularly large for extrinsically motivated participants. ICT-enabled
citizen monitoring also worked effectively to provide low-cost
cost-effective independent checks on the integrity of the electoral process
that also guard against electronic hacking.

Samia Ibtasam <http://samiaibtasam.com/>
PhD Student
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
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