*Join us for Change Seminar next Tuesday 21st Jan 2020.*

*When*: Tuesday 1/21, 12pm-1pm
*Where*: CSE2-271 (Bill & Melinda Gates CSE Building
*Who: *Torgie Madison (chair) and Rene Peters (vice-chair), CTAB
*Title*: Introduction to the Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB)

CTAB was founded in 1995 and is one of Seattle's Boards and Commissions.
Our primary responsibility is to make recommendations to the Mayor and the
City Council on issues of community-wide interest relating to information
and communications technology. Issues are referred by the Mayor, City
Council, or come from community input.

Torgie is the chair of CTAB. He has been a board member for 3 years and was
previously the chair of CTAB's Privacy & Cybersecurity committee. He had
spent 15 years in the corporate tech world focusing on payments,
authentication, and DevOps security and best practices for global-scale
Software-as-a-Service products. Recently, he left that career to pursue
independent video game development.

Rene is the vice-chair of CTAB. He's currently a product manager within the
augmented reality space at Microsoft, with a focus on bringing new business
applications to the market. As an engineer by trade who has passed through
manufacturing, and now cloud/AI/IoT/augmented reality, René is interested
in imagining how technology will influence the way people work and live in
the future.

Torgie Madison (chair) and Rene Peters (vice-chair) will introduce the
roles and responsibilities of the Community Technology Advisory Board
(CTAB). They will cover past accomplishments, as well as the
accomplishments of CTAB's three subcommittees, Digital Equity, Smart
Cities, and Privacy & Cybersecurity. Topics will include Net Neutrality,
Citywide Surveillance, AI, Self-Driving Vehicles, and more!

Samia Ibtasam <http://samiaibtasam.com/>
PhD Student,
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington,
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