Of possible interest to folks with work on economics.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kira Goldner <kgold...@cs.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:32
Subject: [Researchers] Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Mechanism Design
for Social Good at EC '18
To: <research...@cs.washington.edu>, <theory-gr...@cs.washington.edu>
CC: Rediet Abebe <r...@cs.cornell.edu>

Hi everyone,

I'm co-organizing the second workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good
<http://md4sg.com/workshop/EC18/index.html> this year at EC
<http://sigecom.org/ec18/>, the primary conference in the EconCS community
(the intersection of theoretical CS and economics).

We're seeking paper submissions broadly.  If you have *research with a
social good component *that might inspire *work on algorithms and
incentives schemes*, we would love to have your submission!

Examples include: work on the developing world, privacy, or really any
domain where algorithms can be used to better align incentives and the
objective is to improve societal good or mitigate inequality.  See the call
for papers for more examples.

Alternatively, *if you're on any email lists where this might be relevant,
I would appreciate your distributing the call for papers.*  (This might
include in communities like computer science, economics, operations
research, sociology, public policy, etc.)

Thank you!


Subject: Call for Papers: 2nd Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good
at EC '18

The 2nd Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good
<http://md4sg.com/workshop/EC18/index.html> will be taking place at this
year's ACM Conference on Economics and Computation at Cornell University on
June 22, 2018.

The goal of the workshop is to highlight work where insights from
algorithms, optimization, and mechanism design have the potential to impact
social good. In particular, we will focus on the theme of *improving access
to opportunity*. The workshop will feature keynote presentations focusing
on economic inequality, online labor markets, bias and discrimination. We
encourage submissions addressing these and other domains, such as housing,
healthcare, education, civic participation, privacy, and the developing
world. The workshop aims to showcase ongoing exemplary work on these topics
and to highlight exciting opportunities for future research. Submissions of
all types are encouraged, including theoretical or applied mechanism design
work, research that solves algorithmic or optimization problems, and
empirical research.

Topics of interest for this workshop include but *are not limited to*:

   - redistributive mechanisms to improve access to opportunity
   - economic inequality and intergenerational mobility
   - mitigating unequal economic outcomes in online labor markets
   - detecting existence or causes of exploitative market behavior in
   online labor markets
   - the design of algorithms that mitigate bias and improve diversity
   - allocating low-income housing assistance
   - allocating health insurance funds, managing access to healthcare, and
   pricing medical treatments
   - design of health insurance markets
   - evaluating students, teachers, or schools
   - design of transportation systems
   - market regulations for data and privacy
   - algorithmic solutions to encourage civic participation
   - evaluating fairness in electoral representation

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

   - Quality of submission as measured by accuracy and clarity of
   - Relevance to this workshop and its theme of improving access to
   - Novelty of domain: we particularly encourage work on applications that
   have been less explored within the EC community.
   - Potential for follow-up work in the EC community: those from other
   communities who feel they fit this criterion are especially encouraged to

Authors may submit papers that are already under review or accepted in
conferences or journals. However, papers accepted to this year’s EC will
not be considered for presentation at the workshop. There will be no
published proceedings.

Authors should upload a PDF of their paper to EasyChair. There are no
specific formatting instructions. Submissions may either be working papers
or papers that have been published at an established conference or journal.
In the latter case, please include a citation on EasyChair.  In addition to
the PDF, authors are asked to upload a 200-250 word description onto
EasyChair summarizing the results and their relevance to the workshop. The
committee reserves the right not to review all the technical details of

*Important Information:  *

   - Submission Deadline: April 21, 2018, 11:59pm AoE
   - Submission page: EasyChair
   - Notification: May 16, 2018
   - Workshop Date: June 22, 2018

*Organizing Committee:*

Program Chairs:

   - Rediet Abebe <http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~red/>, Cornell University
   - Kira Goldner <http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~kgoldner/>, University
   of Washington

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