*What*: Krysta Yousoufian: Fair Trade Phone? Creating More Socially and Environmentally Responsible Electronic Devices

*When:* Tuesday, Feb 10 at 12pm

*Where:* The Allen Center, CSE 203

Please join us for this week’s Change Seminar. This week former UW student Krysta Yousoufian will be stopping by to talk about a side project she is passionate about: a fair trade smartphone. Come learn more about the supply chain behind our ubiquitous devices and what we can do to make it more sustainable.

Please note, there will be a Change Seminar next week Feb 17.


Most of us love our smartphones and other gadgets, and we talk at length about their potential for global development. But there is a dark side to this proliferation of electronic devices: a host of social and environmental costs embedded throughout their lifecycle. How can we do better? At my workplace, a group of passionate employees has been looking at how we can create a more socially, environmentally responsible smartphone. Begun during a company-wide Hackathon and continued on our own time, our project aims to put these issues on the map, create a real alternative, and ultimately change the way the industry does business.

We want you to be part of the conversation. Join a discussion on questions such as: How do we address the most pressing social and environmental costs of our devices? How do we create a device that consumers can trust is "better," and will they buy it? Are "do well" and "do good" even compatible?

This is an entirely a personal project on our own time. Although our project has benefited from company channels for encouraging innovation, we speak only on behalf of ourselves.

*About the speaker:*

Krysta Yousoufian is a UW CSE and Change alumna, receiving her BS and MS from the department in 2011 and 2012, respectively. As an undergrad, she worked with Richard Anderson and PATH on global health research. After graduating, she joined Microsoft as a software engineer looking at health from another angle: first on the HealthVault team and then on Microsoft Health. Krysta's passion is for the development of fairer, more sustainable economies, expressed through side endeavors such as weekly volunteer customer service at Ten Thousand Villages, a nonprofit, fair-trade retail store. Krysta began her current electronics initiative as a natural integration of her personal and professional interests.

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