Hi All,

Please join us next Tuesday, June 4, in CSE 203 from 12:00pm-12:50pm for
the last Change seminar of the quarter!

CSE 482b is a capstone course where students develop applications to
address global problems.   Two project groups will present the work that
they have done this term in designing and prototyping systems.

*Twitter Analysis of Mobile Money Challenges:*  Mobile Money has become an
important mechanism for Financial Inclusion in many countries,  yet there
are a range of barriers that prevent people from adopting mobile money.  To
gain a better understanding of the challenges consumers phase,  the Twitter
group looked at the customer care Twitter feeds of mobile money operators
in Kenya,  Uganda,  Ghana and other countries to analyze problems reported
by consumers.   The group developed a software pipeline for processing
tweets and applied various classification algorithms for both
identification of mobile money complaints and labelling of specific types
of complaint.

*Global Cold Chain Mapper:*  The immunization cold chain is the collection
of refrigerators and cold rooms that keep vaccines safe as they move from
manufacturers, through levels of storage, to remote health facilities for
use.   To ensure that the country immunization programs are effective, it
is important to have an accurate understanding of the cold chain through a
cold chain equipment inventory.  This project studied the generalization of
country wide inventories to investigate how a global cold chain inventory
could be visualized and utilized by different global stakeholders.
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