*Join us for Change Seminar next Tuesday 11/19!*

*When*: Tuesday 11/19, 12pm-1pm
*Where*: CSE2-271
*Who: *Richard Anderson, University of Washington
*Title: *Mapping the Global Immunization Cold Chain

Vaccines are one of the most important public health interventions ever
invented, saving millions of lives every year.  The effectiveness of
immunization depends on keeping vaccines at appropriate temperatures
through a network of storage facilities referred to as the immunization
cold chain.  However, there is uncertainty about the status of the
immunization cold chain in many countries, with basic questions such as
“what is the distribution and condition of vaccine refrigerators?”
unanswered. This talk will address two fundamental issues:  how can
accurate information be collected about the global immunization cold chain,
and how can this information be made available to global and country
stakeholders who are working to strengthen immunization systems.  Two
complementary University of Washington projects will be presented:  The
Cold Chain Mapper and ODK-X Cold Chain Data Collection Application.   The
Cold Chain Mapper is a visualization system that takes cold chain inventory
information and presents it for a global audience.   The Cold Chain Data
Collection Application is built on the ODK-X data management platform and
is being deployed in multiple countries including DRC, Pakistan, and Uganda
to support modernization of the vaccine cold chain.   This talk will
emphasize how ideas coming from this work can be scaled to a global system.

Richard Anderson is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, where
he has been on the faculty since 1986, with brief leaves to Indian
Institute of Science, Microsoft Research, and PATH. His research has
focused on computing for the developing world since 2005, when he became
involved with the Digital Study Hall project. In 2009, Richard spent a
sabbatical year working with the Digital Health Solutions group at PATH, a
global health NGO based in Seattle. This opportunity allowed him to
increase his efforts on applying computing technologies to challenges in
global health. While working with PATH, he co-founded the Projecting Health
project, which uses the Community-Led Video Education model to promote
healthy practices in rural areas in India. Now back at the University of
Washington, his research interests in ICTD include technologies for
behavior change communication, improving tools to support the use of data
in strengthening health systems, and digital financial services.
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