See CFP at

*ACM COMPASS 2020 Call for Papers*

Deadline for submission of full papers: March 2nd, 2020

The conference will be held in June 2020, at ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Inspired by the broad agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), ACM COMPASS 2020
aims to publish significant and original research from a broad array of
computer and information sciences, social sciences, environmental sciences
and engineering fields that support the growth of sustainable societies
worldwide, especially including under-represented and marginalized
communities. The ACM COMPASS 2020 conference aims to explicitly promote
interdisciplinary research work—including new methodologies, systems,
techniques, applications, and behavioral, qualitative, and quantitative
studies—that addresses key societal challenges related to sustainability,
gender equality, health, education, poverty, accessibility, conservation,
climate change, energy, infrastructure, and economic growth, among others.
We also welcome research on the ethics of technology, especially from a
critical perspective, to discuss limitations and concerns with
technology-led solutions for sustainable societies.

To ensure strong research contributions, the ACM COMPASS 2020 conference
will review papers based on focus tracks corresponding to the research
areas they draw upon. The key focal tracks are:

   - Computing Systems
   - Human-Computer Interaction
   - AI for Social Impact
   - Health
   - Energy, IoT and Smart Cities
   - Development, Economics and Social Policy
   - Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability
   - Deployment Experiences and Practitioner Reports


*Computing Systems Track*
*Track chair: Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Gaius Networks*

This track takes paper submissions on the design, implementation, and
deployment of all forms of networked and software systems for sustainable
societies. Topics of interest may include (but not limited to):

   - Connectivity solutions
   - Mobile systems and applications
   - Network planning and measurements
   - Spectrum management
   - Content distribution
   - Low-cost computing devices
   - Middleware systems
   - Blockchain systems
   - Security and privacy issues

*Human-Computer Interaction Track*
*Track chair: Patrick Olivier, Monash University*

This track takes paper submissions on new research related to, but not
limited to:

   - User interfaces for underserved populations
   - Human-centered AI
   - Information and computer ethics
   - Experiences with information systems
   - Information system and technology design methodologies
   - Technology adoption dynamics
   - Social relationships and information flows within and across
   - Gender and intersectionality
   - Other topics related to interactions between technology and society

We especially encourage contributions on critical perspectives about
technology, that may impose limitations on technology-led solutions for
sustainable societies.

*AI for Social Impact*
*Track chair: Daniel B. Neill, Machine Learning for Good Laboratory, New
York University*

This track takes paper submissions for new research and development of
AI/ML and data science techniques in the context of sustainable societies.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:

   - Methods for large-scale data analysis, participatory sensing and
   crowd-sourced data collection.
   - Handling of missing, messy, and biased data, including data cleaning,
   data wrangling, data integration, and domain adaptation methods.
   - Analysis of massive, complex data sources, such as networked data,
   satellite data, mobile phone data, time-series, and spatial-temporal data.
   - Data privacy, security, and anonymity.
   - FATE (fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics) in AI and ML.

Methods may be applied to relevant areas including but not limited to
agriculture, poverty mapping, disease surveillance, speech interfaces,
computer vision techniques, etc. We encourage (but do not require)
real-world deployment and evaluation of methods in collaboration with
public sector partners such as government or NGOs. Submitted papers are
expected to present an argument for the (either realized or potential)
social impact of the work.

*Global Health*
*Track chair: Shameer Khader, Astra Zeneca*

This track takes papers on all aspects pertaining to the use of computing
solutions to address challenges in global health. Topics may include (but
not limited to):

   - AI/ML techniques for global health
   - EHR analysis
   - Health policy interventions
   - Randomized control trials
   - Bioinformatics and genomics for global health
   - Disease surveillance
   - Maternal and child health
   - Infectious diseases
   - Chronic illnesses
   - Mobile health platforms
   - Health care management and hospital care

*Energy, IoT, and Smart Cities*
*Track chair: Jay Taneja, University of Massachusetts Amherst*

This track takes paper submissions on topics related to the application of
computing and communication technologies, including but not limited to:

   - IoTs and other systems for improving infrastructure (buildings, energy
   systems, roads, water and sanitation systems, etc.)
   - Computing technologies applied in energy and electricity networks
   - IoTs and other systems in agriculture
   - Systems for measurement, monitoring, and/or management of urban
   - IoTs and other systems for community engagement and governance
   - Techniques for demand-side management and dynamic pricing of energy
   - Deployment of sensing and communications technologies, case studies,
   and lessons learned
   - Security and privacy in energy, IoT, and smart cities applications

*Development, Economics and Social Policy*
*Track chair: Samuel Fraiberger, World Bank*

This track takes a broad array of paper submissions from the areas of
economics, social sciences and policy that pertain to sustainability and
socio-economic development. Specific topics include but are not limited to:

   - Randomized control trials
   - Causal inference using observational data for policy evaluation
   - Methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational
   social data
   - Non-traditional data (administrative, satellite, social media, mobile,
   etc.) for measurement and policy evaluation
   - Computational methods Developmental economics studies
   - Large-scale/online social experiments for policy evaluation
   - Social network analysis and interventions
   - Text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) for policy
   - Technology policy studies and implications
   - Applications and experience of using ICTs (Information and
   Communication Technologies) for development

We encourage development, economics and policy papers agnostic of the
domain of application including public health, financial services,
education, agriculture, gender equality, livelihood, employment, governance
systems, and labour rights, among others.

*Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability*
*Track chairs: Priya Shyamsundar and Niraj Swami, The Nature Conservancy*

This track takes papers on all aspects of sustainability of the planet
pertaining to environmental sciences, climate change and environmental
policy. We encourage submissions across a broad spectrum of topics in this
space, including but not limited to: Climate change modeling

   - Environmental scientific studies
   - Impact of climate change on populations
   - Sustainable management of natural resources
   - Environmental policy studies
   - Environmental economics
   - Measuring and evaluating the impact of nature-based strategies

*Deployment Experiences and Practitioner Reports*
*Track chairs: Ayorkor Korsah, Ashesi University and Mercy Julia Borbor
Cordova, ESPOL*

This track takes long papers on deployment experiences and short papers on
practitioner reports, related to any of the above tracks. Topics of
interest include, but are limited to:

   - Evaluations of impact from technologies deployed in the field
   - Financial sustainability
   - Failures
   - Reflections from long-term deployments
   - Problem statements that can lead to new research directions

ACM COMPASS 2020 specifically aims to forge stronger relationships between
practitioners and researchers.


Submission instructions

Full papers will be archival submissions with a length of up to 10 pages,
plus references. Papers should represent polished, significant
contributions. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length
proportional to its contribution.

In addition, COMPASS 2020 will have a Posters track for preliminary
projects or late-breaking results. Posters will not be archival and are
intended to allow presenters to share their latest results or get early
feedback on projects. Poster submissions will be limited to 2 pages plus
references. There are two poster submission deadlines (March 2nd and Apr
20th) to allow for earlier travel planning as well as late-breaking work.

ACM COMPASS 2020 Conference Organizers

*General conference chairs*
Daniel Ochoa, ESPOL (Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral)
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University

*Program committee chairs*
Aaditeshwar Seth, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and Gram Vaani
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University

*Track chairs*
Mercy Julia Borbor Cordova, ESPOL
Samuel Fraiberger, World Bank
Jay Taneja, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Ayorkor Korsah, Ashesi University
Shameer Khader, Astra Zeneca
Daniel Neill, New York University
Patrick Olivier, Monash University
Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Gaius Networks
Priya Shyamsundar, The Nature Conservancy
Niraj Swami, The Nature Conservancy

*Steering committee*
Richard Anderson, University of Washington
Nicola Dell, Cornell Tech
Melissa Densmore, University of Cape Town
Carla Gomes, Cornell University
Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington
Aaditeshwar Seth, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University
Milind Tambe, University of Southern California
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research
Ellen Zegura, Georgia Tech
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