
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Neha Kumar <>
Date: Sun, Jun 2, 2019, 10:40 AM
Subject: [TIER] SIGCHI Summer School on Expanding the Horizons of
Human-Centered AI (July 24-27, 2019)
To: <>

Dear friends, followers, and skeptics of Human-Centered AI,

We invite you to apply to our SIGCHI-sponsored Summer School on Expanding
the Horizons of Human-Centered AI (HCAI). In this four-day program to be
held from July 24 to July 27, 2019, in New Delhi, India, participants will
engage with various aspects of human-centered AI and discuss the challenges
and opportunities that it presents for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and
HCI-friendly researchers, designers, practitioners, educators, and

The program consists of four modules: Systems and Design, Human-Centered
Machine Learning, AI and Social Good, and Critical Perspectives on HCAI.
Our goal is to identify future roles, undertakings, and collaborations for
participants interested in exploring and expanding on these areas from
varied professional perspectives. We welcome a range of backgrounds,
including HCI of course, but also informatics, computer science, science
and technology studies, communication, product design, global development,
and more. You can find more details, including presenters' names, in this
Medium post

The program will be conducted at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi.
Registration fees are INR 4K per day, and INR 10K for all four days. If
interested to attend, *apply here*
<>*. *Applications
received by June 15 will be given highest priority, but later applications
will also be considered. Participation is by application only. Please note
that participants selected to attend (and be provided a registration fee
waiver) must be SIGCHI members prior to the event.

This is an HCI Across Borders <> event, sponsored by ACM
SIGCHI <>, hosted at IIIT-Delhi, and held in cooperation
with ACM FCA <>. Feel free to contact us at with any questions.

Neha Kumar (Georgia Tech)

Pushpendra Singh (IIIT-Delhi)
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