Hello Change community,

I'm a computer science PhD student looking to talk with people who have
experience with pediatrics in low-resource settings, for applications or
insights to develop pediatric screening tools for this context. If you or
someone you knows has that experience and are willing to chat, I'd love to
hear from you!

To give you more context on who I am, I'm part of a lab that works on a
number of projects to harness mobile phone sensors for medical applications
(you can find an overview here
I've specifically been working on screening newborns for dangerous levels
of jaundice (you can find more information about it here
<https://ubicomplab.cs.washington.edu/publications/bilicam/>, including a
link to a PDF should you want more detail).

I'm interested in uncovering other challenges or needs in pediatrics and
exploring whether we can leverage phone sensors to make them more
accessible -- especially for low resource environments. The example that
came to mind was screening infants or young children for nutrition, which
to my understanding entails measuring their height or arm circumference.
For these diagnostics, or any of the other challenges in the pediatric
space, I'd be interested in aspects like what specifically makes them
challenging and how people screen/diagnose (i.e. what and when people

I would be very grateful for any pointers you could offer be it relevant
literature, thoughts, a change to meet or call if you have relevant
expertise, or recommendations of other people to contact.

Thank you,
Lilian de Greef
change mailing list

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