Thanks for helping spread the word, Richard! We're really excited about
this award for a few reasons.
One of the big ones is that it represents a new kind of recognition by
mainstream medtech. As some of you might know, Shift Labs' product
innovation is about innovation in design, specifically, human centered
design, rather than developing new core technology. From the customer side,
we've seen the emphasis on HCD pay off. But there is definitely skepticism
in the industry about letting design drive medtech. In that industry,
design is most often an afterthought. So it was awesome to get this award.

The other really exciting part, for those of you who are interested in low
resource communities at home and abroad, is that the guy on the right in
the giant-check pic, Tim Ring, is leading a charge in the industry to get
people to take emerging markets seriously and design new kinds of products.
He's the CEO of Bard, so he's got a great bully pulpit from which to make
the case. It's exciting to see the medtech and global health communities
coming together, and it's exciting to see an emphasis on design getting
some attention.

Thanks to the Change group for all the inspiration and support over the
years. I never would have stepped onto the startup pathway without all the
great conversations in this group.

Best, Beth

Beth E. Kolko, PhD
Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352135
Sieg 428
Seattle, WA 98195
+1 (206) 685-3809
skypeid: bethkolko

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 1:45 PM, Richard Anderson <> wrote:

> Beth Kolko, a professor in HCDE,  has been working on a startup for the
> last several years – Shift Labs,  which has been developing low-cost
> technology for global health.   The main product they have been focusing on
> is a low cost monitor for IV infusions.   Shift Labs has just received the
> Global Health Innovator award recognizing this work.
> Congratulations Beth!!!!
> Here is a press release announcing the award.
> And Beth’s blog post with a photo of a very big check
> health-comes-to-MedTech-New-Award-goes-to-DripAssist
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