Hi Chapel Community --

Hot on the heels of last week's 1.14 release announcement, here's a 
round-up of other recent Chapel news items to be aware of.  The short 
summary is:

* SC16: Join us at the Chapel tutorial, CHUG happy hour, and/or PGAS
   Applications Workshop!  Early registration for SC closes in a few days.

* CHIUW 2017: Our annual workshop will be held at IPDPS 2017.  Start
   thinking about papers or talks to submit for the January 20th deadline.

* GSoC: Read all about our successful first Google Summer of Code.

* Docker: A Chapel image is now available on Docker Hub.

In more detail:


The early registration deadline for SC16 is coming up in a few days on 
October 16th.  At present, there are three main Chapel-related events to 
be aware of at SC16:

* Tutorial: Productive Programming in Chapel: A Computation-Driven

   This will be a full-day tutorial with hands-on exercises that we're
   teaching on Sunday, November 13th.  If you or your colleagues/students
   are interested in an in-depth introduction to Chapel, this is the event
   to attend.  More information about the tutorial is available in our
   promo video and on the SC16 website:


* CHUG 2016: 7th annual Chapel Users Group Happy Hour

   Though we haven't formally scheduled it yet, our annual CHUG happy hour
   is likely to take place the evening of Sunday, November 13th after the
   tutorial has concluded.  If you know Salt Lake City and would like to
   propose a venue, please let us know, otherwise we'll take a stab in the

* Workshop: PGAS Applications Workshop (PAW)

   This is a new half-day workshop designed to highlight applications work
   being done in PGAS languages that will be held on Monday afternoon,
   November 14th.  Two of the talks will feature Chapel-related results,
   one from Intel and Cray looking at the performance of ISx in SHMEM and
   Chapel; and a second from LLNL studying CoMD in Chapel.  More
   information about PAW can be found on its website and the official SC


On the topic of SC16, many of you are aware that we were hoping to 
re-establish the Chapel Lightning Talks BoF session this year, but 
unfortunately our proposal was turned down in spite of receiving positive 
reviews.  Our sense is that there is a lot of competition for BoF slots at 
SC and that preference tends to be given to BoFs that are expected to 
generate the largest audiences.  So our challenge in future years will 
likely be to attract large audiences and to argue that we can do so.

CHIUW 2017

The 4th annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop (CHIUW 2017) will be 
held in conjunction with IPDPS 2017 in Orlando, Florida. We have not yet 
been assigned a specific date, though it's likely to be either May 29th or 
(more likely) June 2nd.  As with CHIUW 2016, we will be accepting both 
full research papers and talk-only extended abstracts.  The deadline for 
submissions will be on January 20th, so this is the time to start thinking 
about what work you might submit.  For details on CHIUW 2017, please refer 


Google Summer of Code round-up

While we've got you, we wanted to mention that our first Google Summer of 
Code concluded successfully, and that the code developed by our great 
students --- Andrea Francesco Iurio (University of Milan) and Kushal Singh 
(IIIT Hyderabad) --- was included in last week's 1.14.0 release.  For a 
more detailed write-up of their efforts and our involvement in the GSoC 
program, please see Ben Albrecht's recent article on the Cray blog:


Chapel on Docker

A Chapel image is now available for Docker.  Details are available on 
Docker Hub, and a link to it is available on our "download" page:


Thanks, and we hope to see many of you at SC17!

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