Hi Chapel Community --

For those who haven't seen on social media, the program for CHIUW 2018 — the fifth annual Chapel Implementers and Users Workshop, to be held at IPDPS on May 25th in Vancouver BC — is now available on the Chapel website:


This year's program looks very strong, and we hope to see many of you there!

We're currently working on organizational details for the annual Chapel code camp session that we've tradtitionally held the morning after CHIUW and are trying to get an estimate of attendance. If you'll be at CHIUW or in the area, and are interested in attending a session to work on coding or design challenges with members of the Chapel team and community, please respond to this mail, letting me know:

* that you're interested
* what topics / challenges you're interested in exploring
* whether you'd prefer a half- or full-day format

For further background on the CHIUW code camp, please refer to:


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