Many residents complained because the awning was illuminated and could be seen 
from blocks away. From what I understand it was a zoning issue as well. Had the 
owners applied for the proper permits the problem would have been discovered 
before they went to the expense to install it.

Sent from my mobile office

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Williams <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 18:37:54 
To: <>
Subject: [Chat] Convenience Store on 27th Street

Many of you know that the former convenience store on 27th between Guilford and 
Calvert Street that had been run by Ms Sue was sold over the summer and 
completely gutted and renovated, inside and out.  
The fellows that opened the new store are great!  Its clean, well stocked with 
myriad needs, deli meats, eggs, and everything you need in the middle of a 
recipe.  They also take requests to stock your any need.  It opened under the 
name Jalines.
 They installed a huge canopy that kept you dry while coming and going, and 
while it might not have been for everyone, it had the name and tag lines of the 
store to advertise its presence.  I'm guessing it cost more than $5,000.  
Imagine our surprise last week when we saw them painting over the sign, and 
removing any and all exterior signage.  The owners told us somebody complained 
- not one house faces 27th Street - and they had to remove everything.  They 
were visibly upset, and now are threatening to leave the neighborhood.  Who 
would cause such a fuss?  
Paul K. Williams
Kelsey & Associates, Inc. <> 

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