This seems to me to be a very worthwhile cause.  Please try to help.



Please post on the CV discussion list and your quad list.  Thanks.

To all:

A lady by the name of Reba Bullock, who is the Director of Camp Success run at the Episcopl Church of St, Michael and All Angels that is located in the Barclay-Greenmount community of north central Baltimore is running a six week academic and cultural enrichment summer camp designed for children, ages five through twelve. The cost for this camp experience is $300. per student and runs for six weeks from June 30th through August 8th, 2008.

This is a worthwhile program aimed at keeping the youngest of us safe and off the streets during a very lazy time of the year and offers to the students breakfast and lunch. There are currently 10 students in need of this camp whose families cannot afford to pay for this camp. We have sponsored one of the children, name unknown on the hope that it will keep this child safe from all that is happening in the communities of Baltimore. Please consider sponsoring a youngster and if you cannot afford the full amount, then please make a contribution in whatever amount you can afford. I think that it is worthwhile. You can contact Ms. Bullock at 410 467 3950 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] and make a committment to help a youngster this year keep safe.

Thank you,

Christian and Pamela Wilson

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