If you live in the Abell area you might have seen my little blue Audi TT around. I've never owned an 'expensive' car before and I had no idea when I bought it it would take such special care. Anyway, here's the story.

Took the car to Jiffy Lube up near Towson. The next day I was on 83 when the underside of the car fell off on the freeway. A great guy friend of mine shoved it back up into its placeholders but it looks like maybe there are screws missing... I want to take it somewhere that knows something about Audis (or at least European cars) to have the bottom put back on properly. Sure won't be taking my car to Jiffy Lube anymore. :(

I'd also really appreciate hearing from anyone that has advice on how to take care of a car like mine generally, but the body shop/oil change place recommendation is key.

Thanks everyone!


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