I was actualy thinking about this recently.

A PDA obviously can't run a node (even high end ones only have about 8 MB of
storage space, save for a few very new and very expensive ones).  The best
way to handle this is through some sort of encrypted FCP connection (yes, I
know FCP isn't normaly encrypted; in this case, it should be).  The PDA
should never read or write to inform (or, in the case of 0.4, it should
never use node announcement).  It will connect to a publicily available IP
(this would preferably be the IP of the user's real node).

Timm Murray

Life is like a perl script:  Really short and messy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron P Ingebrigtsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:04 PM
Subject: [freenet-chat] Freenet for PDAs?

> I was wondering if maybe we could make a version of freenet for PDAs.  I
> mean, they can transfer data useing an IR transmitter/reciever.  Just
> make it so that the PDA version can't try to store large files, only tiny
> ones, like the size of about 157k or something.  I mean, most of the
> programs and documents that PDAs can handle these days are not very big.
> You can't put a 60 meg file on a PDA.
> Make it so that when freenet is running on a PDA it is always actively
> searching for an IR signal from any other freenet-enabled PDA.  And it
> would be great if it could run in the background so that you can do other
> stuff with your PDA. :)
> The downside is that the PDA would have to be exposed constantly to the
> outside world  so that it can get line-of-site transmission.
> The upside is that you can easily equip internet or otherwise networked
> desktop and laptop computers with IR ports and special add on software
> that allows freenet to communicate with PDAs and other similarly equiped
> machines. :)
> What do you think?
> Also, I'm thinking of dumping DBR entirely and going completely over to
> VBR.  Sure it might be a bit more clicking for users, but it frees me up
> a LOT.  Just recently our phone was disconnected because of these massive
> long distance charges that hadn't been payed.  UGH.  Anyway, I very
> easily could have been unable to update the DBR regularly enough to allow
> users to get to my site.  This would be bad.  So I'm thinking I could
> just create a splash2.html page that doesn't do DBR at all, only VBR, and
> put that key on Steve's Key Server.  This way people will be able to get
> to my site and will never have to wait for a DBR that may or may not show
> up.
> Tell me if you think users would be OK with that.  If not, I guess users
> will have to be on their own when I am unable to update regularly.
> I will still update all my files weekly though.
> Also, I want to come up with some kind of reward system for those who
> choose to donate $1 to me, or more.  I was thinking of makeing it so that
> they can get rid of the ads on my site, but only after they have donated
> at least $1.  This way perhaps I can get some money, and please some
> users at the same time.  Kind of like selling something I guess.  Selling
> the right to no ads. :)
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