Changeset: f31f83a403df for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Test approval and fixed identation

diffs (truncated from 413 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/rel_select.c b/sql/server/rel_select.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_select.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_select.c
@@ -2916,7 +2916,7 @@ rel_binop_(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, sql_e
                        if (l && r) 
                                return exp_binop(sql->sa, l, r, f);
                        /* reset error */
                        sql->session->status = 0;
                        sql->errstr[0] = '\0';
@@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ rel_binop_(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel, sql_e
                                l = ol;
                                r = or;
-                   }
+                       }
                /* try finding function based on both arguments */
                if (rel_convert_types(sql, rel, rel, &l, &r, 1/*fix scale*/, 
type_equal) >= 0){
@@ -3406,7 +3406,7 @@ static sql_exp *
                if (list_length(exps) != 2 || (!EC_NUMBER(t1->type->eclass) || 
!a || is_group_concat || subtype_cmp(
&((sql_arg*)a->aggr->ops->h->next->data)->type) != 0) )  {
-                       if(!a && is_group_concat) {
+                       if (!a && is_group_concat) {
                                sql_subtype *tstr = sql_bind_localtype("str");
                                list *sargs = sa_list(sql->sa);
                                if (list_length(exps) >= 1)
@@ -3947,7 +3947,7 @@ rel_groupings(sql_query *query, sql_rel 
        list *exps = new_exp_list(sql->sa);
        if (THRhighwater())
-               return sql_error(sql, 10, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: too many 
nested grouping clauses");
+               return sql_error(sql, 10, SQLSTATE(42000) "Query too complex: 
running out of stack space");
        for (dnode *o = groupby->data.lval->h; o; o = o->next) {
                symbol *grouping = o->data.sym;
@@ -4258,7 +4258,7 @@ rel_order_by(sql_query *query, sql_rel *
 static int
 generate_window_bound(tokens sql_token, bool first_half)
-       switch(sql_token) {
+       switch (sql_token) {
                case SQL_PRECEDING:
                        return first_half ? BOUND_FIRST_HALF_PRECEDING : 
                case SQL_FOLLOWING:
@@ -4280,7 +4280,7 @@ generate_window_bound_call(mvc *sql, sql
        sql_subfunc *dc1, *dc2;
        sql_subtype *it = sql_bind_localtype("int");
-       if(pe) {
+       if (pe) {
                append(targs1, exp_subtype(pe));
                append(targs2, exp_subtype(pe));
                append(rargs1, exp_copy(sql, pe));
@@ -4325,18 +4325,18 @@ calculate_window_bound(sql_query *query,
        sql_class bclass = EC_ANY;
        sql_exp *res = NULL;
-       if((bound->token == SQL_PRECEDING || bound->token == SQL_FOLLOWING || 
bound->token == SQL_CURRENT_ROW) && bound->type == type_int) {
+       if ((bound->token == SQL_PRECEDING || bound->token == SQL_FOLLOWING || 
bound->token == SQL_CURRENT_ROW) && bound->type == type_int) {
                atom *a = NULL;
                bt = (frame_type == FRAME_ROWS || frame_type == FRAME_GROUPS) ? 
lon : exp_subtype(ie);
                bclass = bt->type->eclass;
-               if((bound->data.i_val == UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING_BOUND || 
bound->data.i_val == UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING_BOUND)) {
-                       if(EC_NUMBER(bclass))
+               if ((bound->data.i_val == UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING_BOUND || 
bound->data.i_val == UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING_BOUND)) {
+                       if (EC_NUMBER(bclass))
                                a = atom_general(sql->sa, bt, NULL);
                                a = atom_general(sql->sa, it, NULL);
-               } else if(bound->data.i_val == CURRENT_ROW_BOUND) {
-                       if(EC_NUMBER(bclass))
+               } else if (bound->data.i_val == CURRENT_ROW_BOUND) {
+                       if (EC_NUMBER(bclass))
                                a = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, bt);
                                a = atom_zero_value(sql->sa, it);
@@ -4358,32 +4358,32 @@ calculate_window_bound(sql_query *query,
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "%s offset 
must not be NULL", bound_desc);
                res = rel_value_exp2(query, &p, bound, f, ek, &is_last);
-               if(!res)
+               if (!res)
                        return NULL;
                bt = exp_subtype(res);
-               if(bt)
+               if (bt)
                        bclass = bt->type->eclass;
-               if(!bt || !(bclass == EC_NUM || EC_INTERVAL(bclass) || bclass 
== EC_DEC || bclass == EC_FLT))
+               if (!bt || !(bclass == EC_NUM || EC_INTERVAL(bclass) || bclass 
== EC_DEC || bclass == EC_FLT))
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "%s offset 
must be of a countable SQL type", bound_desc);
-               if((frame_type == FRAME_ROWS || frame_type == FRAME_GROUPS) && 
bclass != EC_NUM) {
+               if ((frame_type == FRAME_ROWS || frame_type == FRAME_GROUPS) && 
bclass != EC_NUM) {
                        char *err = subtype2string(bt);
-                       if(!err)
+                       if (!err)
                                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(HY001) 
                        (void) sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "Values on %s 
boundary on %s frame can't be %s type", bound_desc,
                                                         (frame_type == 
FRAME_ROWS) ? "rows":"groups", err);
                        return NULL;
-               if(frame_type == FRAME_RANGE) {
-                       if(bclass == EC_FLT && iet->type->eclass != EC_FLT)
+               if (frame_type == FRAME_RANGE) {
+                       if (bclass == EC_FLT && iet->type->eclass != EC_FLT)
                                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) 
"Values in input aren't floating-point while on %s boundary are", bound_desc);
-                       if(bclass != EC_FLT && iet->type->eclass == EC_FLT)
+                       if (bclass != EC_FLT && iet->type->eclass == EC_FLT)
                                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) 
"Values on %s boundary aren't floating-point while on input are", bound_desc);
-                       if(bclass == EC_DEC && iet->type->eclass != EC_DEC)
+                       if (bclass == EC_DEC && iet->type->eclass != EC_DEC)
                                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) 
"Values in input aren't decimals while on %s boundary are", bound_desc);
-                       if(bclass != EC_DEC && iet->type->eclass == EC_DEC)
+                       if (bclass != EC_DEC && iet->type->eclass == EC_DEC)
                                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) 
"Values on %s boundary aren't decimals while on input are", bound_desc);
-                       if(bclass != EC_SEC && iet->type->eclass == EC_TIME) {
+                       if (bclass != EC_SEC && iet->type->eclass == EC_TIME) {
                                char *err = subtype2string(iet);
                                        return sql_error(sql, 02, 
@@ -4391,9 +4391,9 @@ calculate_window_bound(sql_query *query,
                                return NULL;
-                       if(EC_INTERVAL(bclass) && !EC_TEMP(iet->type->eclass)) {
+                       if (EC_INTERVAL(bclass) && !EC_TEMP(iet->type->eclass)) 
                                char *err = subtype2string(iet);
-                               if(!err)
+                               if (!err)
                                        return sql_error(sql, 02, 
                                (void) sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "For 
%s input the %s boundary must be an interval type", err, bound_desc);
@@ -4414,32 +4414,32 @@ get_window_clauses(mvc *sql, char* ident
        if (THRhighwater())
                return sql_error(sql, 10, SQLSTATE(42000) "Query too complex: 
running out of stack space");
-       if((window_specification = stack_get_window_def(sql, ident, &pos)) == 
+       if ((window_specification = stack_get_window_def(sql, ident, &pos)) == 
                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: window '%s' 
not found", ident);
        //avoid infinite lookups
-       if(stack_check_var_visited(sql, pos))
+       if (stack_check_var_visited(sql, pos))
                return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: cyclic 
references to window '%s' found", ident);
        stack_set_var_visited(sql, pos);
-       if(window_specification->h->next->data.sym) {
-               if(*partition_by_clause)
+       if (window_specification->h->next->data.sym) {
+               if (*partition_by_clause)
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: 
redefinition of PARTITION BY clause from window '%s'", ident);
                *partition_by_clause = window_specification->h->next->data.sym;
-       if(window_specification->h->next->next->data.sym) {
-               if(*order_by_clause)
+       if (window_specification->h->next->next->data.sym) {
+               if (*order_by_clause)
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: 
redefinition of ORDER BY clause from window '%s'", ident);
                *order_by_clause = 
-       if(window_specification->h->next->next->next->data.sym) {
-               if(*frame_clause)
+       if (window_specification->h->next->next->next->data.sym) {
+               if (*frame_clause)
                        return sql_error(sql, 02, SQLSTATE(42000) "SELECT: 
redefinition of frame clause from window '%s'", ident);
                *frame_clause = 
        window_ident = window_specification->h->data.sval;
-       if(window_ident && !get_window_clauses(sql, window_ident, 
partition_by_clause, order_by_clause, frame_clause))
+       if (window_ident && !get_window_clauses(sql, window_ident, 
partition_by_clause, order_by_clause, frame_clause))
                return NULL; //the error was already set
        return window_specification; //return something to say there were no 
@@ -4833,7 +4833,7 @@ rel_value_exp2(sql_query *query, sql_rel
                        return NULL;
                if (exp) {
                        sql_exp *res;
                        if (!exp_name(exp))
                                exp_label(sql->sa, exp, ++sql->label);
                        res  = exp_ref(sql->sa, exp);
@@ -4976,7 +4976,7 @@ column_exp(sql_query *query, sql_rel **r
        if (f == sql_sel && rel && *rel && (*rel)->card < CARD_AGGR)
                ek.card = card_value;
-               ve = rel_value_exp(query, rel, l->h->data.sym, f, ek);
+       ve = rel_value_exp(query, rel, l->h->data.sym, f, ek);
        if (!ve)
                return NULL;
        /* AS name */
@@ -5309,7 +5309,7 @@ rel_unique_names(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
        if (!is_project(rel->op))
                return rel;
-               l = sa_list(sql->sa);
+       l = sa_list(sql->sa);
        for (n = rel->exps->h; n; n = n->next) {
                sql_exp *e = n->data;
@@ -5653,7 +5653,7 @@ rel_crossquery(sql_query *query, sql_rel
        symbol *tab2 = n->next->data.sym;
        sql_rel *t1 = table_ref(query, rel, tab1, 0);
        sql_rel *t2 = NULL;
        if (t1)
                t2 = table_ref(query, rel, tab2, 0);
        if (!t1 || !t2)
@@ -5676,7 +5676,7 @@ rel_unionjoinquery(sql_query *query, sql
        int found = 0;
        if (lv)
-                       rv = table_ref(query, rel, n->next->next->data.sym, 0);
+               rv = table_ref(query, rel, n->next->next->data.sym, 0);
        assert(n->next->type == type_int);
        if (!lv || !rv)
                return NULL;
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_unnest.c b/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_unnest.c
@@ -2566,16 +2566,16 @@ rel_unnest(mvc *sql, sql_rel *rel)
        rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_or_exp);
        rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_rank);
        rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_anyequal);
-       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_join2semi);        /* where 
possible convert anyequal functions into marks */
+       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_join2semi);        /* where 
possible convert anyequal functions into marks */
        rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_compare);
        rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_exists);
-       rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_ifthenelse);   /* add isnull 
handling */
+       rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_ifthenelse);   /* add isnull 
handling */
        rel = rel_exp_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_exp_rel);
-       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_compare_exp);      /* only allow 
for e_cmp in selects and  handling */
+       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_compare_exp);      /* only allow 
for e_cmp in selects and  handling */
        rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_empty_project);
        rel = _rel_unnest(sql, rel);
        rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_fix_count);        /* fix count 
inside a left join (adds a project (if (cnt IS null) then (0) else (cnt)) */
        rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_remove_xp);        /* remove 
crossproducts with project [ atom ] */
-       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_groupings);
+       rel = rel_visitor(sql, rel, &rewrite_groupings);        /* transform 
group combinations into union of group relations */
        return rel;
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb/Tests/check.stable.out
@@ -557,6 +557,7 @@ SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.getroboturl
 SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.getuser
 SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.greatest
 SYSTEM AGGREGATE        sys.group_concat
+SYSTEM AGGREGATE        sys.grouping
 SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.has_m
 SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.has_z
 SYSTEM FUNCTION         sys.hash
@@ -2438,6 +2439,11 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "sys",       "greatest",     "SYSTEM",       "max_no_nil",   "calc", 
"Internal C",   "Scalar function",      false,  false,  false,  "res_0",        
"any",  0,      0,      "out",  "arg_1",        "any",  0,      0,      "in",   
"arg_2",        "any",  0,      0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "group_concat", "SYSTEM",       "create aggregate 
sys.group_concat(str string) returns string external name 
\"aggr\".\"str_group_concat\";",    "aggr", "MAL",  "Aggregate function",   
false,  false,  false,  "result",       "clob", 0,      0,      "out",  "str",  
"clob", 0,      0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "group_concat", "SYSTEM",       "create aggregate 
sys.group_concat(str string, sep string) returns string external name 
\"aggr\".\"str_group_concat\";",        "aggr", "MAL",  "Aggregate function",   
false,  false,  false,  "result",       "clob", 0,      0,      "out",  "str",  
"clob", 0,      0,      "in",   "sep",  "clob", 0,      0,      "in",   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "grouping",     "SYSTEM",       "grouping",     "sql",  
"Internal C",   "Aggregate function",   false,  false,  false,  "res",  
"bigint",       64,     0,      "out",  "arg",  "any",  0,      0,      "in",   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys",       "grouping",     "SYSTEM",       "grouping",     "sql",  
"Internal C",   "Aggregate function",   false,  false,  false,  "res",  
"hugeint",      128,    0,      "out",  "arg",  "any",  0,      0,      "in",   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys",       "grouping",     "SYSTEM",       "grouping",     "sql",  
"Internal C",   "Aggregate function",   false,  false,  false,  "res",  "int",  
32,     0,      "out",  "arg",  "any",  0,      0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
+[ "sys",       "grouping",     "SYSTEM",       "grouping",     "sql",  
"Internal C",   "Aggregate function",   false,  false,  false,  "res",  
"smallint",     16,     0,      "out",  "arg",  "any",  0,      0,      "in",   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    
+[ "sys",       "grouping",     "SYSTEM",       "grouping",     "sql",  
"Internal C",   "Aggregate function",   false,  false,  false,  "res",  
"tinyint",      8,      0,      "out",  "arg",  "any",  0,      0,      "in",   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    
 [ "sys",       "has_m",        "SYSTEM",       "create function has_m(info 
integer) returns integer external name geom.\"hasM\";",     "geom", "MAL",  
"Scalar function",      false,  false,  false,  "result",       "int",  32,     
0,      "out",  "info", "int",  32,     0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "has_z",        "SYSTEM",       "create function has_z(info 
integer) returns integer external name geom.\"hasZ\";",     "geom", "MAL",  
"Scalar function",      false,  false,  false,  "result",       "int",  32,     
0,      "out",  "info", "int",  32,     0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
 [ "sys",       "hash", "SYSTEM",       "hash", "mkey", "Internal C",   "Scalar 
function",      false,  false,  false,  "res_0",        "bigint",       64,     
0,      "out",  "arg_1",        "any",  0,      0,      "in",   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   
NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL,   NULL    ]
@@ -5290,6 +5296,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "CREATE"     ]
 [ "CROSS"      ]
+[ "CUBE"       ]
 [ "CURRENT"    ]
 [ "CURRENT_DATE"       ]
 [ "CURRENT_ROLE"       ]
@@ -5332,6 +5339,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "GLOBAL"     ]
 [ "GRANT"      ]
 [ "GROUP"      ]
+[ "GROUPING"   ]
 [ "HAVING"     ]
 [ "HOUR"       ]
 [ "HUGEINT"    ]
@@ -5408,6 +5416,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "REVOKE"     ]
 [ "RIGHT"      ]
 [ "ROLLBACK"   ]
+[ "ROLLUP"     ]
 [ "ROWS"       ]
 [ "SAMPLE"     ]
@@ -5418,6 +5427,7 @@ drop function pcre_replace(string, strin
 [ "SERIALIZABLE"       ]
 [ "SESSION_USER"       ]
 [ "SET"        ]
+[ "SETS"       ]
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