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From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ?iso-8859-1?Q?NN,Da'maso_Villanueva_-_'I_will_not_pay_bail_because_I_? 
?iso-8859-1?Q?am_not_guilty',Feb_27?Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 06:16:50 +0100

Da'maso Villanueva: "I will not pay bail because I am not guilty"
By Al Giordano, NarcoNews

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2006 at 10:33:57 AM EST

coordinator of the Zapatista information booth on the city square who was
arrested on Friday on apocryphal two-year-old charges filed by the cell
phone company Pegaso (now Movistar) that claim he allegedly destroyed a
tower worth $220,000 dollars, sent word from his prison cell to the Other
Journalism on Sunday that he is "strong, content. and innocent."
According to members of his support team who visited him in jail, Villanueva
says that if bail is offered for his release pending trial he will not pay
it. "I will not pay the bail because I am not guilty," Da'maso told
supporters. "Nor will I beg pardon."

Three Mexican journalists of the Other Journalism with the Other Campaign
appeared at the gates of the prison on the road from San Cristo'bal to
Ocosingo on Sunday, video cameras in hand, and asked to be able to enter to
interview the political prisoner. The prison authorities asked to see, and
were shown, the identification cards of journalists Roberto Chankin Ortega
Perez, Sarahy Flores Sosa and Bertha Rodri'guez and after various minutes of
awaiting response from upstairs the guards informed the journalists that no
media would be allowed in the prison.
At that moment, members of Villanueva's support team arrived at the prison
gates to visit their friend and fellow adherent of the Zapatista Other
Campaign. The Other Journalism met with one of them, Marisa Kramsky, later
in the day. She brought the word of the political prisoner: "I am innocent."

Kramsky explained that there are many irregularities with the case against
Villanueva, including that at the time when the damage was allegedly done to
the Pegaso cell phone tower in 2004, Villanueva was demonstrably in a
different place, with witnesses to that fact, including public officials.
(That Villanueva, as a community leader, spoke out against the installation
of the towers is not, in itself, a crime under law, but it appears that the
company seeks to silence such speech with this harassment prosecution.)
There are also questions about Pegaso's legal standing since the company
technically no longer exists independently: it was later purchased by the
Movistar company. And there are inconsistencies and irregularities regarding
the two "witnesses" that the wealthy company conjured up to accuse Da'maso
Villanueva, serious problems with their testimony and their standing that
will come out in court.

The defense, says Kramsky, has filed for a six-day extension on the first
court appearance to be able to prepare the evidence in support of Da'maso.
The defendant, she says, is confident, of good humor, continues to promote
the Other Campaign from inside the prison, and in the meantime has signed up
to teach classes in a prison program and work carpentry with other inmates.
To be continued.

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