
I've pushed a few changes regarding the new egg install and would be
happy about feedback regarding these changes:

* chicken-status + chicken-uninstall use exact matching by default (use -match
  to use globbing)

* there are now 2 env vars:

    CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH: one or more directories separated by ":" (";" on 
        that are searched by "require..."/"import", the first that contains a 
.so or .o is used.

    CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY: where eggs are installed (only one directory, 
if set)

    chicken-uninstall only sees CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY (or the default 
    chicken-status sees CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY (or the default), unless 
        is given.
    chicken-install normally uses CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY, but checks 
        CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH when looking for already installed eggs.

    CHICKEN_REPOSITORY has been removed.

    In a cross-chicken, using -target always refers to the target repo, 
    of any vars.

    I haven't tested all of this too much, yet.

    Doing path-splitting is done by an internal prcoedure in eval.scm 
    (##sys#split-path), used for include-path splitting as well, and this uses 
    platform specific split char (":" or ";").

    types.db + modules.db lookups use CHICKEN_REPOSITORY_PATH, if set,
    or overriding CHICKEN_INSTALL_REPOSITORY will break the compiler as
    types.db can not be found. 

* -no-install-deps is back


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