Hey, Mark!

I successfully installed Chicken on Windows off chocolatey just last week.
To get around all of the requirements for the Unix programs I installed
win-bash and put them on my path so it could use cp etc. like normal. For
SRFI-18 specifically you do have to modify it from using the variables
"CSI_PATH" and "CSC_PATH" to just csc and csi since Windows doesn't
properly convert them from strings to the actual programs on that SRFI
specifically for whatever reason. I've had 0 problems with coops and other
SRFIs and packages aside from 18.

- ArooBaito

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021, 9:31 AM Mark Fisher <mark.j.fis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Peter.
> I messed up the threading on this conversation, and went into more details
> elsewhere about my adventures into getting this working, and I've tried
> more since.
> I've had no luck with the latest version (5.3.0rc2); I discovered (via
> strace) that the created executable is internally loop crashing under gcc
> 10.3 mingw64/msys2
> Nor were my various attempts to downgrade mingw64 to gcc 10.2 in
> (mingw64/msys2) successfully, it just failed to compile, but that's
> probably because downgrading msys2 is difficult as you have to manually try
> and apply downgraded packages.
> I tried compiling via mingw64 for windows (chocolatey instead of msys2),
> which worked in compilation, but there's an issue with file paths mixing
> windows and unix slash types.
> I then tried the chocolatey chicken package but the maintainer has
> compiled it with incorrect flags, so the copy phase of eggs is broken (uses
> "cp -r" instead of windows copy). I'm awaiting to see if that gets fixed (
> https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/chicken), but i'm not holding
> my breath as there's several comments over recent months with the same
> message (I at least feel I've tried to pinpoint the issue for the
> maintainer though).
> I've tried at least 6 different methods to get chicken working on windows,
> and they are all sadly broken in some way.
> It's an awful state. the docs (http://wiki.call-cc.org/msys2) still refer
> to 5.0.0, and it simply doesn't work as written (I'm doing this on clean
> installations of everything). I suspect gcc versions, but it doesn't feel
> like anyone owns this, so there's no regular build on windows with latest
> mingw64/msys2 to check.
> And in no way am I trying to start any implementation wars, but after
> hours of this, in exasperation, I ran racket, and it just worked.
> Mark
> On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 at 17:00, Peter Bex <pe...@more-magic.net> wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 12:14:51PM +0100, Mark Fisher wrote:
>> > The compilation works fine, but when I run the install phase, the
>> > "chicken-install -update-db" just hangs
>> Hello Mark,
>> I seem te remember something like this caused by Windows Defender (the
>> virus scanner thing in Windows).  If you turn it off, does that fix
>> things?
>> Also, if you have the time, please try the new 5.3.0 release candidate,
>> to see if this works better.
>> Cheers,
>> Peter

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