*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>*

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   The Chodosh season is over, with the passing of pesach. Chodosh will
   become a concern again when the harvest of the new Chodosh crop
   starts, approximately around the end of July or early August.

We are monitoring weekly reports from the US Dep’t of Agriculture regarding the progress of the new crops. For a grain to be Yoshon, it should have been planted 3 days (or 2 weeks) before the second day of pesach. As of 3 days before pesach, the following are the percentages of the crops that were already planted and are therefore Yoshon: Oats=37%, spring wheat=2%, barley=3%. The very fact that such small fraction of the crops was planted before pesach assures that the majority of these crops will be Chodosh after the harvest of the new spring crops begins, near the end of July. (Most of the spring wheat and barley is grown in upper mid West of the US. These areas were subjected to heavy flooding during the end of the winter and early spring. That resulted in a later than usual start to the planting season.)



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh is aimed at consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and tries to provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. Conversely, the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by sending a blank email to ONE of the following addresses:


mashgi...@moruda.com <mailto:mashgi...@moruda.com>

Printed copies of this Guide are available. Rabbonim and mashgichim can request that a copy be mailed to them free of charge via US surface mail by providing their full mailing address by either (1) sending an email request, or (2) recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133, or (3) sending a written request to Y. Herman 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952 (make sure that you include a note with your full address and the request for the Mashgiach’s Guide.)

Those who are not rabbonim or mashgichim may order a copy of this Guide by sending $1 plus their full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

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