*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>

NOTE: This Bulletin is arranged in an order that matches the Section numbers in the Guide to Chodosh. All items that are new and were not presented before are noted with a “**” notation at the start of the line.

*_NOTE:_* This Bulletin is identical to the one sent out on Dec 22, except for a clarification on the new policy of the CRC-Hisachdus, that follows directly below:

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*_3.1.2 “Yoshon” labels and kashrus hashgochos printed on the same package_*

***CRC-Hisachdus* hashgocho policy change. For all packaged foods with a CRC hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label, the CRC hashgocho covers the Yoshon as well. The same holds for all establishments such as bakeries, pizza shops, etc that claim to be Yoshon and are under the CRC hashgocho for kashrus. This policy went into effect at the end of the summer, from the beginning of the current Chodosh season. Therefore, it covers all items on the market today. The CRC is also makpid on malt. They will not certify as Yoshon any item that may contain Chodosh malt.*_ _*

*_4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers_*

*Kemach *flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.

*_5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons_*

   Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code Apr 16 12 (32 months).

*Kemach *one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as well as 20 pound packages have a Chodosh code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta with a different code system has the Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (day of packing +2 years.)

*Ronzoni* Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after packing), if made in the US.

*** Ronzoni, Catelli and Lancia* pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code is: Regular (white) pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat, Egg noodles, Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain code Oct 5 11.

*_6. Home baking products_*

*Best flours*, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are Yoshon, including the dough conditioner.

*Mishpacha*, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

*_7.1 Barley_*

*Mishpacha* barley* *on page 33 of the second Guide there is a contradiction. In fact Mishpacha barley is Yoshon, as stated in the aleph section. Furthermore, Mishpacha cholent mix does not contain any barley at all.

*_81. Cereals_*

*Barbara cereals* update: We list how many months after packing is the date on each of the following cereals. For oats please add these months to Jul 26. For wheat but no oats add to Aug 9. Ultima Flax & Granola=9 months, Ultima Organic=12 months, Organic Wild Puffs=9 months, Shredded Mini Oats=8 months, Multigrain Shredded Spoonfuls=9 months, Shredded oats=8 months, Multigrain Puffins and Puffins original=12 months.

*General Mills cereals* oats code. The summary of changes at the beginning of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General Mills cereals that are not consistent with those dates in the table on page 36. The table on page 36 is the correct one.

*Weetabix cereals* with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh code for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ (not organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem starting with a code of Jan 1 11.

*_9.1 Frozen and prepared foods_*

*Apollo* Filo dough, the new code is Aug 9 10 (1 year after packing.)

*** Chef’s Kingdom*. All products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Moshe Shimon Bineth. The exception is the salami egg roll which is not Yoshon.

*Ungers* frozen pie and tart shells in 3, 6 and 9 inch sizes have a Chodosh code of 09309 (09=year, 309=day of the year). However, on the 9 inch shells, the code is not printed on each individual package, only on the case in which the packages are packed. Since the customer does not have any control to make sure that any specific package on the shelf came from any specific box, therefore the 9 inch shells are not recommended as Yoshon. For the Unger pizza crust, the Chodosh code is Mar 11, 2010. Ungers bread crumbs are Yoshon even without a label.

*_9.6 Baby Foods_*

*Beechnut baby food* update: Code for jars is 2 years after packing. For oats the code is Jul 26 11. For wheat Aug 9 11, barley Aug 16 11. Cereals in boxes: The barley cereal is 18 months after packing. Multigrain cereal is 15 months after packing. Add these intervals to Jul 26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for barley.

*Gerber baby food* update: Cereals in boxes the date on the package is 1 year after packing. Cereals in jars it is 15 months after packing. Add these intervals to Jul 26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for barley.

*_11 Professional bakery flour and other bakery ingredients_*

*Wilmark* bakery products are all Yoshon. The only exceptions are the donut mixes which are only Yoshon on special order. Under the hashgocho of the O-U.

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*_12.14 New York City Restaurants, pizza shops_*

*Circa-NY Restaurant*, 22 West 33^rd St, New York City is NOT Yoshon.

*Simon Sez Pizza* Shop on Ave M is now under the hashgocho of Rav Pinchos Horowitz. Rabbi Horowitz onlysupervises the kashrus. So far as we know, this establishment has no hashgocho for Yoshon.

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*_12.15 Queens and Long Island_*

*Off the Grill* at 600 Central Ave, Cederhurst, NY is not certified as Yoshon until further notice.

*Queens, NY* Update regarding establishments under the hashgocho of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. In the following list, for bakeries and restaurants, everything is Yoshon unless noted below otherwise. For the pizza shops only the pizza is under hashgocho for Yoshon. Avraham Bakery, Bagel Mench, Bagels & Co., Benny’s Pizza, Benjy’s Pizza, Benjy’2- New Hyde Park, G&I Bakery, Grill Point, Pita Hot, King David Bakery, Main Street Bakery, Shimon’s Pizza, Naomi’s Pizza, Strauss Bakery, Pizza Professor. Finally, Violet’s (formerly Beigel’s) everything is Yoshon except the multi-grain breads. Mendy’s Bakery-insufficient information

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*_12.2 Monsey_*

*Glaubers Catering* in Monsey, Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Binyamin Gruber.

*_12.4 New Jersey_*

*Lakewood*: *KCL* Yoshon policy clarification: At this time the KCL does not certify any establishment or product as being Yoshon. This means that even packaged foods which have a Yoshon label and a KCL label are also not certified as Yoshon by the KCL. One reason given by the KCL is that none of the establishments to which they provide kashrus supervision has asked for Yoshon supervision.

*Lakewood: Hershy’s Bakery* is under the hashgocho for KASHRUS of Rav Mordechai Betzallel Klein. Rabbi Klein does guarantee that the flour used in the bakery is Yoshon. However, he takes no responsibility for checking the Yoshon status of other ingredients and materials used in the bakery. Therefore, we consider the Yoshon supervision of this bakery as being incomplete.



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