"It’s been a little over a month since I started using Chromium, the
Open Source version of the Google Chrome Web browser. Since then, I’ve
been using Chromium quite extensively. While the honeymoon isn’t over
yet, I do have a better handle on what I like and dislike about
Chromium and how it fits into my Web browsing and use of Web apps."


Likes: speed, web compat(!), font rendering
Unexpectedly ok with: lack of extensions

- dropdown lists in wordpress admin panel "don't behave well"
My response: any wordpress user here who can repro this?

- CSS occasionally lost while browsing
My response: I think I've seen this too, but I had been assuming it's
site glitches.  Does this ring any bells for anyone?

- He's bookmarking by pasting urls into "add page" dialog found via
the bookmark manager(!).  Maybe he doesn't realize the star is the add
bookmark button?
My response: I'm no UI designer, but I wonder if it'd help to put the
bookmark button star in some of the dialogs related to bookmarking?
If you don't hover the star you'll never learn what it does; on the
other hand, there are only seven buttons on the toolbar and I kind of
don't have much pity for people who haven't looked at them.

- splash page is annoying (estade removed it on Friday)

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