Two recommendations for folks participating in code reviews using Rietveld (
(1) When uploading a patch, make sure you Edit Issue and add at least one
review email; then use the Publish+Mail Comments link (with a blank body,
usually) to send out the review request.  When uploading subsequent versions
of the patch, use Publish+Mail Comments again to send mails noting that
you've uploaded a new version (if you're ready for it to be re-reviewed).
 We've had a number of patches with no initial review mail, or no reviewers
listed, or the reviewer set to the person who uploaded the patch, or
whatever.  If you don't know whom to ask for review, yell for help on

(2) When reviewing a patch or responding to review comments, use the same
Publish+Mail Comments link to converse.  Tempting as it is, try to avoid
using your mail client to respond to the comment emails directly, because
that doesn't put your comments online on the issue where others can see and
respond to them later.  This helps avoid strange half-broken threads when
someone else tries to look over and comment on an issue after it's been in
review for a while.

Feel free to share other "best practices" you've encountered.


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