Just a reminder, this is happening now!

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Tim Steele <t...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Hello!
> A heads-up that folks working on sync will be holding a test fixit next
> week, Nov 2 - 6.  The motivation is to improve test coverage of our code, as
> there are many more chunks without any unit-test coverage whatsoever than
> there should be.  The sync integration tests do tickle *most *of the code,
> but these take a lot more time and effort to run and debug, can't run on the
> public buildbot (yet!), and they also need TLC themselves because they have
> flakiness issues.  We have a list of things to 
> tackle<http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=Feature-Sync+fixit>,
> some of the "add tests here!" variety, and some are "make this thing more
> testable".  Some require a pretty strong understanding of all the pieces in
> the system, and might not be suitable for a first-time dive into the sync
> engine :). But there is more generic low hanging fruit available as well!
> We are going to try to focus exclusively on these issues next week, which
> are filed under 'Feature-Sync' and 'Fixit'. [barring any emergencies of
> course, knock on wood!]
>  Here is the list again:
> http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=Feature-Sync+fixit.
>  We may add more today/early next week, so make sure to check back!
> If you need a hand getting started or a bug you are interested in is
> unclear, folks on the cc-list or myself would be happy to try and shed some
> light for you.
> And remember, debugging sucks. Testing rocks!
> Tim

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