I pulled in ICU 4.2.1 upgrade l <http://codereview.chromium.org/172031>ast
night/this morning. To avoid link errors, you need to clobber your build on
Windows. You may not hit upon link errors if icuuc.lib, icui18n.lib from the
previous build in your build directory, but they need to be clobbered so
that new ones will be built. Also make sure to remove src/third_party/icu38

I hope this email is not too late and am sorry if some of you took had to
scratch your heads about links errors "blah_blah_3_8 symbols not found".

In addition, C++ names in ICU always have to be qualified with 'icu::' as I
wrote a couple of weeks ago. Our copy of ICU does not throw all C++ names
into the global namespace any more, which is to avoid the name collision
between our StringPiece and icu's StringPiece (they're different).

Also, if you add a new gyp file that uses ICU,  you have to use 'icu.gyp'
instead of 'icu38.gyp'.  We decided to use 'icu.gyp'  (rather than
icuNN.gyp) to avoid having to track down them all and change next time we
upgrade ICU.  I haven't yet done the same with 'icudtNN.dll' on Windows, but
perhaps I have to do that, too.

Once again, sorry if this email is too late to prevent you from wasting some
time today.



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