Adolph Obama said...

Since your speech at the United Nations we have had, I would say, a
renaissance of communications technologies, you didn’t have the Project
Earth website, in the days prior to the internet, now we have these new
ways of communicating, and I know that the corporate media is still
bashing taboo topics like ETs, new energy, 9/11 Truth, and trying to
marginalize and pigeonhole and separate us...

Adam: They don’t
even want the truth about Barak Obama for God sakes. I just started
saying something on Jack, on his blog, today on,
and it was refused, and I didn’t use any profanity or anything. I just
said, “We’re finally getting to see this guy’s true stripes. We’re
finally getting to see who this guy really is, and he’s just another
corporate marionette, who has a really good rap.” And that’s too bad,
because I really had advocated that a lot of people involved in my
network, and I have a huge network and I had recommended him to
thousands of people.

Carol: Oh dear.

Adam: Back in 2006
and basically not long after, I had done that, an article came out in
Harper’s Magazine called Barack Obama Inc and it was the beginning of
the breaking of that stride, in terms of my own opinion of Barack, but
it is interesting to me that the corporate media is so behind him, and
they are so against Hillary Clinton, and yet they want everyone to
believe that they are exactly the same. It’s kind of like the whole rap
that came down that voting for George Bush was just the same as voting
for Al Gore, which of course is patent nonsense. Unless there is this
thing that we call “Republicrats, but I don’t want to get off… too much
on this tangent.”

Carol: I want to talk to you a little bit
about the elections, too, because we have had a couple of presidential
elections blatantly stolen.

Adam: They’ve been stealing
elections for a long time. And George Bush’s father would have stolen
the election from Bill Clinton, if he could have, but that was
prevented by a few brave souls, much to the chagrin of Poppy Bush, much
to the chagrin of George Bush Sr.. The fact is that he lost, and George
Bush really went into meltdown when he lost, because he didn’t think it
would be possible to lose to this hick from Arkansas.

Clinton took office, I was at the Arkansas Ball and, I was at a few of
the balls, and the inauguration, and at the big gala, and all of that
stuff cause I was very involved in that whole thing, back then. What we
witnessed was an incredibly naïve young President, kind of almost with
a messianic kind of fervor. Which is why, one of the things that freak
me out about Barack Obama, is he’s taken it to the next level. He says
things that are unbelievable at his rallies.

The one thing we
can say about Clinton is that we never found him using alpha
entrainment at his rallies, and there is evidence that alpha
entrainment has been used at Barack Obama’s rallies. I haven’t done the
tests myself, personally. But people who I have been in communication
with, for some time, have told me, at my recommendation, they made
measurements. Alpha entrainment was discovered at Nuremberg Stadium
after Hitler had seized power from Hindenburg. Von Hindenburg was,
removed from power by Hitler. When Albert Spier talked, in his whole
confession, about what had happened at Nuremburg Stadium, he said, “It
was the first place that they used alpha entrainment.”

based on a process called frequency, frame, and response. It was
discovered by them, the Nazis, that human beings, if they are exposed
to a constant alpha wave, or a mixture of waves, depending on what
those wave forms are, that they will become entrained, they will enter
into a kind of trance like state, a stupor. If you look at the American
people right now, a lot of the people around the world, I travel a lot,
and a lot of the people around the world go, “What the heck,” they’ve
been saying this a long time, “What the heck is going on with the
American people, why are they so stupid? Why are they so unaware of
what is going on?”

I try to tell them that not all Americans are
unaware of what’s going on, and that some people are more resistant to
this entrainment than others, and we’ve caught the Republicans doing
this years, and years, and years ago, using alpha entrainment in their
commercials, stimulating pleasure centers in the brain, making you feel
really good about their candidate, and stimulating revulsion areas of
the brain when they were putting up a picture of Al Gore, for example.
So this is something what we’ve been involved with for a long time.

actually been using spectrum analyzers for a very long time, now. And
you can hook a spectrum analyzer up, and if you know what waves forms
to look for, in a TV signal for example. You can see all kinds of
interesting wave forms, the Lilly wave, invented by Dr. John Lilly,
when he was working for NIH, the National Institutes for Health, in
1959 when they first started implanting dolphin brains and discovered
that they needed to give the dolphin brain a chance to respond. Then
they discovered that they could use these same waves on human beings.
He was doing work for the Navy at that time, and he got out of that
research because he felt so conflicted about what they were doing.

discovered that this was on the wiring harness of our home in Aspen
when he was visiting us in 1990, and he saw this on my spectrum
analyzer and he said, “How did that get there?”

So, this kind of
entrainment is not just used at Barack Obama rallies, if indeed if it
is being used there, this is second-hand information on that . On
people’s homes, however, is firsthand information because I’ve done
those measurements myself, and this is to keep people in a narcoleptic
state. When John Lilly saw this waveform on my spectrum analyzer, when
I was pounding up my spectrum analyzer early one morning, and he said,
“Where is that from?”

And I said, “That is from the electrical power grid.”

And he said, “But I invented that wave form, it’s a mind control wave form.”

I said, “I had no idea.” I didn’t know that. I wasn’t familiar with the
Lilly wave. I didn’t know that it was a mind control wave form. All I
knew was every morning when I turned on my spectrum analyzer, which is
hooked up to the power grid, we could use the power grid; we used
certain aspects of the power grid as an antenna. I looked at it. I
would see it, and not really cognize what it was about.

But when
he told me what it was about, he said, “This is…they are using your own
harness of your house to trigger your water molecules to go into an
entrained kind of pattern that will create certain neurochemical
responses in the human body.”

This is done, this is an
incredibly sophisticated program, developed over decades. This isn’t
something that they just came up with lately, this is something that
has been developed over many decades. Every year we have almost
exponential increases in the sophistication of technology. We now have
computers, that they are working that process a thousand trillion point
operations a second. That’s called a pedaflop.

When you have
this kind of computer power behind a broadcast like the HAARP
experiment up in Alaska, which is now, by the way. Not just in Alaska,
but is also outside of Perth, Australia. There’s a Southern Hemisphere
HAARP down there, which is a joint program between the United States
government and the Australian government. And we have Indonesia, which
is very strangely placed, but they are trying to put an ionospheric
amplifying system in place there. We have one in Northern Scotland
that’s been put in place by the government of Great Britain. We have
three that are operating again in the former Soviet Union, in Russia,
which is where they were invented, by the way. Because the former
Soviet Union listened to Nikola Tesla and used a lot of his ideas.

when I worked with Yul Brown on the Brown’s Gas project in 1986, he had
worked, he had been arrested as a Nazi engineer, actually, after World
War II, put into a gulag when they discovered he was a skilled
engineer. They put him to work, the Soviets did, and he worked on ELF
entrainment in movie theaters, where they would take people watching a
romance/comedy and they would feel terrified because they had found
wave forms they could entrain these people with, so it didn’t matter
what they were watching. They could make them feel whatever they wanted
to feel. And basically you could make a whole auditorium full of
people, really like they’ve just seen Jesus Christ, even though the guy
could be standing up there talking about chewing gum.

This is
how absurd it is. If you really look at the transcripts of what Adolf
Hitler said at Nuremberg Stadium, what Adolf Hitler said was
repetitious, jingoistic, you know, and punctuated by these “Seig Heils,
seig Heils.”

Just in a very similar manner to, a former guest of
yours, who used to be a Black Panther, Larry Pinkney, pointed out that
they are goose stepping to Barack Obama. And people who are in the
Barack Obama trance train don’t see this objectively. And
unfortunately, those of us who do see it objectively are then
anathematized by fellow Democrats. I’m not. I don’t want to call myself
a Democrat at this point, but the fact of the matter is we’re
anathematized by people we should be allied with.

We should all
be allies at this point, and instead, I just wrote an article, that’s
published on which is Karl Rove’s Dream. It’s about
the fact that Karl Rove in his best moment couldn’t have dreamt up
Barack Obama because Barack Obama has proven to be the most divisive
happening in the history of the Democratic Party.


3/26/2008 01:46:00 AM


adolph obama said...

Now you�ve also touched upon the HAARP technologies, and especially
with these new transmitters, that I wasn�t aware of before, in
Australia and Indonesia, where else are they?

Adam: There are
three in Russia. The ones in Russia were in existence prior to any of
the other ones. They were discovered accidentally by a group of high
school students in the United Kingdom who discovered this ELF signal,
on a very primitive set, it was called the woodpecker. The woodpecker
wasn�t the whole signal that was being broadcast by the Russians, at
the time, but the Russians knew that they could entrain water molecules
with extremely weak signal. Any technical people listening, this is
simple low level signals can actually trigger these responses when you
know what you are doing, like if you have a copy of someone's genetic
copy, of their DNA for example, you can send a signal encoded on HAARP
and trigger a neuroresponse in them, from a great distance.

is something that when we discovered in 1994. A colleague of mine
called me to the laboratory that we had in Oregon, and I flew out and
joined him, and he revealed that he had discovered that the HAARP
broadcast included the Lilly waves, and it also included these double
helix waves that on the spectrum analyzer screen literally looked like
chromosomes or DNA molecules. I couldn�t believe my eyes when I was
seeing it, we looked at these very, very carefully, to see if they had
any relationship with the DNA, and in fact they were very specific
frequency relationships using the DNA molecule as a wave guide the
primary frequency for that, and then harmonic and subharmonic of that
up and down band� 

Full transcript of Adam Trombly interview here:

Information on eventual transcription of 2nd part can be found here:

Trombly's website is here:

Excerpt of article mentioned in interview:

in the spring of 2007 it looked inevitable that Hillary Clinton would
not only win her party’s nomination for President but in a general
election the Presidency of the United States of America. The Republican
Party was mired in deep political feces with no apparent route of
escape from the cesspool of the Bush/Cheney/Republican coup/hegemony,
which had almost strangled all of the life out of the United States of

Then one night Karl Rove had a dream.

In Karl
Rove’s dream the once inevitable winner of the 2008 Presidential
Election, Hillary Clinton, had been forced from the race by a
charismatic, narcissistic man by the name of Barack Obama. This junior
Democratic Senator from the State of Illinois had risen to fame and
fortune by taking credit for bills passed by his colleagues in the
Illinois State Legislature to which he attached his name. He did almost
nothing and yet somehow achieved superstar status among a growing cadre
of followers. Then with support from some truly corrupt backers,
including Syrian-born gangster/businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, Obama
became a US Senator. When Rezko’s corruption trial started in Chicago
the press was noticeably absent. Email evidence, revealed in the first
few days of the trial, pointed to influence peddling by Obama but most
of reporters who were present just ignored the facts."


3/26/2008 12:47:00 PM

         adolph obama said...

>From the New York Times:

residents in Illinois voiced outrage two years ago upon learning that
the Exelon Corporation had not disclosed radioactive leaks at one of
its nuclear plants, the state’s freshman senator, Barack Obama, took up
their cause.

"John W. Rowe, chairman of Exelon and also of the Nuclear Energy Institute, a 
lobbying group, has been an Obama donor.

Obama scolded Exelon and federal regulators for inaction and introduced
a bill to require all plant owners to notify state and local
authorities immediately of even small leaks. He has boasted of it on
the campaign trail, telling a crowd in Iowa in December that it was
“the only nuclear legislation that I’ve passed.”

“I just did that last year,” he said, to murmurs of approval.

close look at the path his legislation took tells a very different
story. While he initially fought to advance his bill, even holding up a
presidential nomination to try to force a hearing on it, Mr. Obama
eventually rewrote it to reflect changes sought by Senate Republicans,
Exelon and nuclear regulators. The new bill removed language mandating
prompt reporting and simply offered guidance to regulators, whom it
charged with addressing the issue of unreported leaks.

revisions propelled the bill through a crucial committee. But, contrary
to Mr. Obama’s comments in Iowa, it ultimately died amid parliamentary
wrangling in the full Senate.

“Senator Obama’s staff was sending
us copies of the bill to review, and we could see it weakening with
each successive draft,” said Joe Cosgrove, a park district director in
Will County, Ill., where low-level radioactive runoff had turned up in
groundwater. “The teeth were just taken out of it.”"


3/26/2008 01:03:00 PM

         adolph obama said...

The N Train leaves Mother Jones station on its way to Trance Junction:

ability to inspire in this way gives him the opportunity to reach
people who traditionally don't participate in politics. Repeatedly,
over the course of three Obama campaign stops, I met individuals who
said they were planning to caucus for the first time. There were black
men in their twenties, single mothers, and high-school and college
students, all of whom declared they'd found their way into politics for
the first time through the Obama campaign. I even met a few die-hard
Obama supporters who had previously been staunch Republicans.

McGee, an attendee at the gymnasium event in Muscatine, tried to herd
four small children while she explained that she's supporting Obama
because she likes "his personality and his thoughts on health care."
Asked if she considered any other candidates, she said, "No, I'm just
really, really stuck on Obama." Then she volunteered, with visible
pride, "This is actually the first time I've ever voted before. I've
never been involved in politics before. I'm doing it for Obama."

Camp insisted that, though he had been a Republican for 55 years, and
still considered himself one, he could reconcile his abundant
enthusiasm for Obama because "he's the closest thing to what a true
Republican is." Standing on a dock overlooking the Mississippi River in
the southeastern town of Burlington after Obama's had addressed
supporters, I asked Camp to describe a true Republican. He described
someone who bore very little resemblance to Obama. It didn't seem to
matter. Asked if he would caucus for Obama, he said, "You bet. The last
time I was this excited for a candidate, it was Barry Goldwater."

Obama ends his campaign events with a story about a woman he met in the
South who would shout a call-and-response everywhere she went in her
small town. "Fired up!" she'd shout. "Fired up!" people would shout
back. "Ready to go!" she'd shout. "Ready to go!" people would shout
back. Obama encountered this woman on a particularly bad morning and
found himself, after a few minutes, surprisingly fired up and ready to
go. One voice can change a room, he says. And if it can change a room,
it can change a city. "And if it can change a city, it can change a
state. And if it can change a state, it can change the nation. And if
it can change the nation, it can change the world."

The crowd
loves it. Applause begins. "Are you fired up?" Obama yells to his
audience, as the applause crescendos. "Are you ready to go?" The cheers
are deafening. "Fired up!" he shouts. "Fired up!" the crowd screams
back. "Ready to go!" he shouts. "Ready to go!" the crowd roars back.

I caught a young black man—a rarity in Iowa—on his way out of the
building. "I'm fired up, baby. I'm ready to go," said Tracy McCampbell,
with a huge smile. "I'm caucusing, man. First time! I was one of those
people who was sucked into thinking, 'One vote doesn't make a
difference, blah blah blah.' But I've changed my mind now, man. I'm
ready to go.""


3/26/2008 01:41:00 PM


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