Adopted Son Goes Looking for His Biological Parents - Finds Out His Father is 
Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson
41-year-old adoptee Matthew Roberts' quest to find his birth parents has ended 
in a shock after his biological mother finally relented and revealed that his 
father is serial killer Charles Manson. His mother was raped by Manson and he 
was the result.

Manson remembered his mother, telling him, "The truth is the truth. The truth 
hurts." Roberts was initially quite depressed by the surprise revelation and 
struggled with not wanting to hate his father yet not wanting to love his 
mother's rapist.

"It's like finding out that Adolf Hitler is your father... I'm not nuts but 
I've got a little bit of it... My hero is Gandhi. I'm an extremely non-violent, 
peaceful person and a vegetarian," said Roberts.


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