Dear Friends:

A most active day picketing Salem Alliance Church in
Salem, Oregon, all filmed by Czech National TV as part
of a bio about the work with the Akha people. 

Family participated, for images.

After a lively demonstration, a LOT more people at the
church figured out something was going on.

They began to ask questions.

Met with Grand Ronde Tribal members at the Grand Ronde
24th Restoration Celebration. Michu, once again taking
front and center as a representative of the Akha
people in Thailand.

Good stuff.

We have two more press articles coming out and we will
be on KBOO 91 FM in Portland, OR on the afternoon of
Nov. 22.

A program on genocide.

I got Hampton the horse walked out in town, to see how
he would do, walked him out for about five miles. The
family joined me in the walk for the second 21/2
miles. From Michu to the youngest walker Ah Ngoh of 3

We still have a saddle and other tack to buy.

Hampton handles well and does not readily spook.

We are looking for a second horse for Michu.  Will
keep you posted.
Winter is setting in, riding will be tough.

Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal:

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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