Dear Friends:
  There is a new function at our website. Akha TV.
  We think its fun, we think its going to be a LOT of fun, and we hope to start 
moving a lot of things around to make some real interesting stories and content 
for these programs.
  Programs right now are about 15 minutes.
  23 Meg to download.
  Take a look.
  There is also a new radio interview from Pacifica Radio.  
  Pick the first one, Akha To The UN
  Also, we would like to let you know about the case of CGT Mission in Thailand.
  Look at the story on the home page
  Basically, Rotary International has been promoting this mission in their 
Rotarian Video Magazine. We advised them that it was not in line with Rotary 
ethics to do this, since the mission removes Ahka children from their families 
and traditions.
  The people at Rotary were not interested to discuss it.
  Well now we get reports of volunteers who went there, who say that there are 
over 560 children there, that only 50 could be considered ofphans, and that 
most of the children are neglected, unwashed, poorly fed. Some volunteers took 
children away and back up to their villages to their parents, so significant 
and disgusting was the neglect. Another woman said that she her a girl 
screaming in the middle of the night like she was being assaulted but no one 
went to help and it went on and on.
  You can write to Rotary. You can write to this guy, he sort of hatched a lot 
of it up.
  Trevi Albin
  Not sure if that address works, but do contact Rotary about this. CGT stands 
for Children of the Golden Triangle, run by Asa and David.
  We keep working on the case of Ms. Wongsa in Singapore. So far no one in 
Thailand has even gone to see the broker in Hatyai, at least not from what we 
have heard. Would seem the place to start, since there are other girls there 
now in debt bondage.
  Antonio Maria Costa, the Director of UNODC has been asked to step down by a 
member of the European Parliament, for taking actions during the drug war that 
has only made conditions worse. We couldn't agree more.
  Here is a new report on Opium Eradication in Afghanistan:
  We have written UNESCO, the contents of the letter can be seen here:
  A number of other activist are joining us for our campaign to get the issue 
of UNESCO partnership with missions addressed.
  We also have not forgotten the case of Hooh Yoh Akha, that the Queen of 
Thailand has taken all of their land for a Royal Project. We are assembling a 
coalition of activists to help us gain the return of Hooh Yoh's land and that 
of adjacent villages.
  A note about hits on the website. We used to have a counter for the whole 
site, what you see now is just for the home page. Hits to the site overall run 
around 200,000 per month.
  While I am working on assembling the Akha Journal I don't have time for much 
other work, so if you liked the other journal, if you want to see this book in 
print, if it would be useful to you, then consider the possibility of making a 
donation to the work. That would be most helpful. 
  We have been at this a lot of years. We would like to see other people take 
up the cause, either of the Akha or other indigenous groups, and help people 
fight for their basic rights.
  Have a good Thanksgiving.
  Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal:

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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