Dear Friends:

It looks like we have a driver who will be joining us soon.  We are really 
looking forward to that.

Right now we need your help to wrap up our stable fees and we are on our way.

Do you value the work we do for the Akha people? Have you considered making a 
donation in the past but haven't gotten around to it? 

Then this is a great time to help out.

It is still cold and wet in Oregon, but we know the heat down south is going to 
be relentless.

Your good help can get us on the road, and through this trip we can raise a lot 
of publicity for the Akha people. We have already seen it happen here in Salem, 
Oregon, a whole lot of people have gotten flyers and have seen the Bus.

It has been anything but easy, but we have gotten this far.

4500 miles of America, from small town to small town, 25 miles a day, getting 
the word out, meeting people, sharing the Akha story and seeing all the places 
in this country that make it great.

We have freedom here. We remember it especially now that Harry Nicolaides, who 
has helped us in Thailand, has been put in prison for a few lines about the 
Crown Prince, a local rumor, in his book Verisimilitude.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

$100, $50, $20, $10 helps a lot.

Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage 
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: Box 6073 Salem, OR. 
97304 USA.


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