Dear Friends:
Our website lists a couple of the villains hiding behind all the Akha deaths. Take a cruise around.
Hits on the website are way up, so we hope the word keeps going out.
We have gotten a lot of the photo documentation done that we needed to do.  Soon as we get a bit organized will be building a number of albums on the gallery section of the website.
On Nov. 7th there will be another show in the Czech Republic regarding the Akha.
Right now though we are facing a major shortfall in donations that propel this work, in addition to what family in friends put in, which is a good portion of it.
So if you can make a donation at this time, please do, and it will help us get out more mosquito nets, get some more documentation done and keep this website going. Seems a lot of people use it.
Your help is appreciated at this time,
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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