> Annual Elite Conclave, 58th Bilderberg Meeting to be held in Greece, May 14-17
> The 2009 Bilderberg Group Conference will be held at the five-star Nafsika
> Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17, according to author
> Daniel Estulin. Insiders have told Estulin that rooms have been booked and
> flight plans made. He has also confirmed the location and dates with sources
> in Greece. Estulin is the world's foremost investigative authority on this
> annual secretive and exclusive assembly, having investigated and infiltrated
> their meetings for over ten years. His books and reporting have helped to
> bring the powerful group out of the shadows, even directly affecting the very
> conduct and timing of the meetings &hellip and encapsulating them in an even
> deeper shroud of secrecy. The Bilderberg Group started meeting in 1954, with
> funding from the CIA, to gather together the top Western bankers, politicians,
> media barons, corporate CEOŒs and European royalty in annual gatherings for
> frank discussions on important issues of the day.
> Promoting the first edition of his best-selling book, Daniel came to the
> United States in the fall of 2007 and told audiences about the upcoming
> housing mess and resulting financial turmoil, with many homeowners owing far
> more than their properties were worth. On a similar tour in the spring of
> 2008, he announced that we were just a few months from financial calamity.
> These predictions were based upon his understanding of the international
> maneuvers of the Bilderberg Group. Though the people responded, the press was
> largely a no-show. The same press then ³failed² to report the year¹s largest
> gathering of elites: the royalty, bankers, CEOs, media big-wigs and high
> government officials at the 57th annual Bilderberg meeting in June 2008.
> Daniel¹s coverage of that meeting provides additional material for the new
> North American Union edition of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which
> has sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide in 48 languages.
> According to Estulin's sources, here are a few of the talking points and
> concerns for this year¹s meeting:
> &bull The future of the US dollar and US economy: The plan is for the
> Bilderberg Group players, through their allies in Washington and Wall Street
> to continue to deceive millions of savers and investors who believe the hype
> about the supposed up-turn in the economy. They are about to be set up for
> massive losses and searing financial pain in the months ahead. The bank
> ³stress tests² now being conducted by Washington are little more than a
> shameless hoax: Based on the irrational assumption that the economy won¹t get
> as bad as it already is!
>  * US unemployment: Solutions and assumptions (Stated as such in the
> pre-meeting booklet sent out to attendees.)
> Bilderberg is quietly assuming that US unemployment numbers will hover around
> 14% by the end of this year, far higher than the official numbers released by
> the US government.
> &bull Depression or a prolonged stagnation? (Stated as such in the pre-meeting
> booklet sent out to attendees.) Bilderberg is looking at two options: Either a
> prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation,
> decline, and poverty ... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the
> way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more
> efficiency.
>  &bull There will be a final push for the enactment of Lisbon Treaty, pending
> on Irish voting YES on the treaty in Sept or October. One of their concerns is
> addressing and neutralizing the anti-Lisbon treaty movement called "Libertas"
> led by Declan Ganley. One of the Bilderberger planned moves is to use a
> whispering campaign in the US media suggested that Ganley is being funded by
> arms dealers in the US linked to the US military.
> Daniel Estulin lives in Spain, but is making himself available to North
> American media outlets for a limited time. Daniel is an entertaining,
> knowledgeable and articulate speaker. Your audience/readers will enjoy his
> insights and spirited dialogue.
> For interviews and/or review copies please contact Kris Millegan at:
> public...@trineday.net or 1.800.556.2012
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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