Big Shots Jump at Bilderberg’s Oil Orders

By James P. Tucker Jr.
Issue # 26, June 30, 2008

 Powerful world leaders ran like dogs to the whistle to champion Bilderberg’s 
decree (AFP June 23, 2008) to put a lid on surging oil prices. Meanwhile, 
Bilderberg’s world government project suffered another severe setback when 
Irish voters killed the latest version of the European Constitution.

Just three days after Bilderberg concluded its annual secret meeting, on June 
11, a top energy bureaucrat said average gasoline prices would likely peak at 
$4.35 a gallon, contradicting previous predictions that the costs would soon 
exceed $5 a gallon Guy Caruso, head of the federal Energy Information 
Administration, made this prediction at a congressional hearing on energy 
prices and the future of oil. Gasoline prices are likely to remain close to or 
at $4 a gallon through 2009, he said.

UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon said on June 15 that the king of Saudi Arabia 
had promised to lower oil prices. Ban spoke with reporters after meeting with 
King Abdullah in the port city of Jidda during a visit to the world’s largest 
oil producer.

“The king believes that the current oil prices are abnormally high, and he is 
ready to restore prices to their appropriate levels,” the official Saudi News
Agency quoted Ban. The New York Times reported on June 14—six days after 
receiving its marching orders at Bilderberg—that unnamed analysts and oil 
traders briefed by Saudi officials said a production increase of about 500,000 
barrels per day is planned

“Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, is concerned that sustained 
high oil prices eventually will slacken the world’s appetite for oil, affecting 
the kingdom in the long run,” Associated Press reported. 

This precisely reflects what Bilderberg said in Chantilly. A Bilderberg speaker 
from Europe had said: “Are we reaching the point of diminishing returns? People 
who switch from gas hogs to fuel-efficient, small cars are not going to do an 
instant about-face. And those who convert to public transportation, many of 
them, are going to stick with the train or bus. We have seen many middle-class 
families, who grudgingly accepted $3 a gallon, choose to stay home instead of 
driving to the beaches or mountains. They’re presently calling them 
‘staycations.’ We all take the long view of history. Will forcing gasoline 
prices even higher increase profits in the long term? Ford has already shut 
down production of big cars and has many SUV-types it can’t give away. Ford 
will not retool overnight.”

Finance ministers from the Group of Eight weighed in at their meeting in Japan, 
issuing a joint statement calling for lower oil prices. U.S. Treasury Secretary 
Henry Paulson, Jr., who had just left the Bilderberg session, called for 
oil-producing countries to allow more investment in oil exploration and 

In another blow to Bilderberg’s global ambitions, Irish voters rejected a 
treaty to make the European Union a superstate by a decisive 53.4 percent to 
46.6 percent. A “European Constitution” had been rejected in referendums in 
France and the Netherlands in 2005. To take effect, all European Union states 
must approve.

After the “constitution” was rejected, European leaders came up with a shorter 
version providing for the same envisioned superstate but called it a “treaty.” 
As a “treaty,” France and the Netherlands did not have to submit
it for a vote. But Ireland’s constitution required a referendum and Irish 
voters chose national sovereignty over a European superstate.

“It’s a very sad day for the country and for Europe,” said Justice Minister 
Brian Lenihan.

“It is a great day for Irish democracy,” said Declan Ganley, a businessman who 
led the anti-treaty forces.” This is democracy in action . . . and Europe needs 
to listen to the voice of the people.”

Responding to those seeking a way around the Irish rejection, British Foreign 
Secretary David Milliband said: “The rules are absolutely clear. If all 27 
countries do not pass the Lisbon Treaty it cannot pass into law.”

Establishing a European Union superstate is a crucial plank in Bilderberg’s 
program for a world government. Similar efforts to establish an “American 
Union” in the Western Hemisphere have likewise bogged down. Bilderberg is on 
the ropes.

AFP correspondent James P. Tucker Jr. has spent many years as a member of the 
“elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here 
and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of 
global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of 
Bilderberg Diary: One Man’s 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World 
Shadow Government. Bound in an attractive full-color softcover and containing 
272 pages—loaded with photos—the book recounts Tucker’s experiences over the 
last quarter century at Bilderberg meetings. $25 from AFP. No charge for S&H in 


AFP Reporter Grills Dan Rather on Bilderberg

By Mark Anderson
Issue # 25, June 23, 2008

AFP grilled former CBS News anchorman Dan Rather and former CNN Commentator 
Catherine Crier, among others, about the Bilderberg Group during the National 
Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis, June 6-8. Bilderberg was meeting in 
Chantilly, Va. at the same time.

Rather denied even having heard of the Bilderberg Group when asked about this 
matter by AFP during a June 7 press conference attended by 25 other reporters. 
Despite gestures from a moderator to keep the questions for Rather brief, AFP 
pressed on to concisely describe Bilderberg to Rather as the very thing he had 
just mentioned when he answered a previous question and noted that media 
representatives often are corrupted by rubbing elbows with the corporate elite.

Bilderberg meetings have been going on for decades, AFP informed Rather. Rather 
only speculated that perhaps media members who attend elite gatherings like 
Bilderberg might glean some useful information or establish worthwhile 
connections, but he acknowledged that if the decisions that attendees make at 
such gatherings remain secret, that is a problem. He would not elaborate.

Massachusetts reporter Michelle Fahey of Spare Change, while exiting this press 
conference, felt that Rather was not being honest when he claimed he has never 
heard of Bilderberg. Anthony Jasa of, who filmed AFP’s exchange 
with Rather, said he did not buy it either.

AFP also raised the specter of Bilderberg at a spirited, more crowded panel 
discussion that included Ms. Crier and Jeff Cohen, founding director of the 
Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College.

Crier, whose prior news jobs included positions at Fox News and ABC, did not 
raise her hand when she and the other panelists were asked during the 
discussion whether they had at least heard of the Bilderberg Group. Cohen, 
however, raised his hand. He surmised that the upper-crust corporate interests 
at Bilderberg hold so much control over major-media advertising that they 
probably would threaten to pull the financial plug if any major U.S. media were 
to consider reporting on the Bilderberg meetings.

Afterwards, Crier—a former Texas judge considered to be an inquisitive 
reporter—commented to AFP that she may look into the Bilderberg matter.

Cohen, the only conference participant questioned by AFP who openly 
acknowledged the Bilderbergers, told independent writer Sheila Casey of Rock 
Creek Free Press that he did not believe that the 9-11 tragedy was an inside 
job, having heard a debate between producers of the popular independent 
documentary Loose Change and two Popular Mechanics writers.

Casey demanded to know why the “progressive media” represented at the 
Minneapolis conference—which postures as a real alternative to the corporate 
press—still seems to ape the corporate media in ignoring various compelling 
insights on what really happened on 9-11-01, thereby towing the government line 
by default. She did not get a solid answer to that question. 

AFP also questioned well-known television personality and documentary news 
maker Phil Donahue on the issues of depleted uranium (DU) and 9-11 after a 
showing of his new film, Body of War, which documents the life of Kansas City 
soldier Tomas Young. The young man was shot just five weeks into his Army 
service in Iraq; an AK-47 bullet severed his spine and paralyzed him from the 
chest down. He had ventured to the Mideast to “kick some butt” after 9-11.

Donahue said he had heard of the DU issue but indicated that it was beyond the 
scope of his inquiry. He brusquely thanked this reporter for bringing it to his 
attention, after DU was basically described to him as an armor-piercing weapons 
component that leaves radioactive aerosols, residues and fragments and sickens 
combatants and non-combatants alike, and that it is strongly implicated as a 
common factor in causing various mysterious illnesses in soldiers whose primary 
wounds (from bullets, shrapnel, etc.) do not always explain all their symptoms.

As for looking into explanations besides the government’s tale about the events 
of 9-11-01, Donahue—whose recent Public Television appearances with PBS fixture 
Bill Moyers showed him as a determined critic of the Bush regime for fooling 
America into the current war on the basis of lies—told AFP that looking into 
other 9-11 explanations is wasteful.

“This kind of rabbit-chasing gives fodder to the war-makers,” Donahue remarked, 
after 9-11 researcher and activist Kevin Barrett told him that a growing number 
of professors and retired military and intelligence personnel doubt the 
government’s conspiracy theory that 19 “flying Muslims” with box cutters 
commandeered airliners with such murderous precision.

“I don’t believe we should waste our time when people are coming home in pine 
boxes,” Donahue added, seeming to dismiss the idea of examining the actual 
basis of why the soldier he profiled in his film went to war in the first place.

Even impeachment was not an option to Donahue, who, despite his strong 
misgivings about the current Oval Office regime, nevertheless believes it’s too 
late and unwise to impeach the Grand Decider.

“If you impeach this president, you’re going to earn even greater wrath,” 
Donahue cautioned, even as some New Hampshire state Democrats continue pushing 
House Resolution 24 to urge the U.S. Congress to impeach Bush as a matter of 
principle for the same war-related reasons that Donahue cited.

This media reform conference hit on many valid concerns, cited disturbing 
examples of media malpractice and provided insight on how regulatory 
improvements could curb consolidation. Independent media is making a 
difference, but there was still considerable reluctance among the high profile 
attendees and several others to tackle three of the most fundamental issues of 
the day that are consistently covered by AFP: the Bilderbergers, depleted 
uranium and alternative views of 9-11. Impeachment and the proposed North 
American Union also seemed to be
non-issues in terms of panel topics, although the Zionist-Israeli lobby’s 
meddling in U.S. affairs was acknowledged by the Cohen-Crier panel.

“Sadly, the Fourth Estate has become the fifth column of democracy, colluding 
with the powers that be,” Moyers stated in his speech at the conference, 
unwittingly describing the big media-Bilderberg collaboration. He added that 
U.S. media employment is at a 15-year low and conglomerate owners such as Sam 
Zell of the Tribune Company want to cut up to 500 pages a week out of the many 
newspapers the company owns, fire reporters and editors, and rely instead on 
canned statistics, lists and charts.

Moyers encouraged attendees to forge ahead and break the big media monopoly.

Moyers, FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein and others outlined several good 
points and strategies, such as battling FCC regulations that allow entire media 
markets (radio, TV, newspapers) to be gobbled up by single owners. Keeping the 
internet free and independent also was trumpeted.

But AFP detected uninterest among those leading the media reform movement in 
tackling specific hot-button issues such as Bilderberg that might risk their 
social standing or career status. Others in the movement may not share this 
reluctance, but until they correct this flaw, genuine media reform may prove 

Mark Anderson can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Bilderberg 2008 (PDF)

Bilderberg 2008 (Zip format - smaller file for donwload - must have Winzip 

To find out more about the this shadowy international group, please see our 
Bilderberg page.

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