----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:09 PM
Subject: [SPY NEWS] Claim al Qaida 'planted evidence'

Claim al Qaida 'planted evidence'
Nov 16 2006

A senior al Qaida operative deliberately planted evidence to encourage the 
United States into war against Iraq, it has been claimed.

The extraordinary allegation is made by a man who reportedly spent seven 
years inside the al Qaida terror network working as a spy for European 
intelligence agencies.

Omar Nasiri - not his real name - makes the claim, which is bound to 
re-ignite the controversy over the war, in an interview with the BBC's 
Newsnight programme.

He alleges that a senior al Qaida operative, Ibn Sheikh Al-Libi, 
deliberately planted information to get America to fight Iraq.

Al-Libi was captured by US forces in late 2001, handed over to the Egyptians 
and allegedly tortured, according to Newsnight.

During interrogation he claimed that al Qaida had been training Iraqis.

In the run up to the war US officials claimed there was a link between 
Saddam Hussein's regime and the terror network - and the alleged link was 
one of the justifications for the hugely controversial military action in 
March 2003.

When asked on the programme if al-Libi or any others would have told the 
truth if they were tortured, Nasiri answers "Never".

Questioned further on whether he thought al-Libi had deliberately planted 
information to get the US to fight Iraq, he replies: "Exactly".

In his interview, Nasiri provides an insight into how al Qaida was far more 
organised, coherent and determined in the 1990s than was appreciated at the 
time and how its reach spread to London. Nasiri also claims that MI5 were 
watching the now jailed Islamic cleric Abu Hamza as far back as nine years 

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