Farmers Murdered in Attempt to Destabilize Venezuela

Caracas, Jul 7 (Prensa Latina) Violence against farm leaders, some one hundred killed in the last six years, is part of a plan to destabilize Venezuela, rural leaders denounced Thursday.

The denunciation by sources from the Venezuela Farm Federation coincided with recent warnings from national authorities of destabilizing activity involving Miami opposition and ex soldiers, both accusations implicating Pedro Carmona, self-styled president during the April 2002 coup, now residing in Colombia.

Farm leaders told VEA daily that the murder of farmers is intended to "sterilize" areas of supporters of President Hugo ChavezĀ“s government by alleged Colombian paramilitary groups to give the United States a pretext to invade Colombia during a "civil war".

The large estate owners, five percent of the population owning 75 percent of the land, have traditionally used assassins with impunity and are incensed by government actions to recuperate lands illegally acquired and violating land tenancy regulations.

To prevent official conveyance of these lands to farm cooperatives, the landowners have turned to the Colombian self-defense forces (paramilitary) in process of demobilization in that country, the Venezuelan farm leaders charged.

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