More of the same …


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From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 27, 2006 9:13:50 PM PDT
Subject: Re: [ctrl] On the Relative Power of Skull and Bones

Gee, Chip, Jay Gould had "nothing" do at all with Skull & Bones.  He  helped to put together Union Pacific, which was taken over by EH. Harriman and run by Bonesman for years. His big partner was Russel Sage, whose foundation was incorporated by Bonesman Daniel Coit Gilman, and there are many Sages and Goulds in the Order of Skull & Bones. Also Jay Gould worked with many Bones, WC Whitney, the Dodges, the Stokes, etc. You really are an ignorant troll.

Here is the Chip's hero from wiki

"In his lifetime and for a century after, Gould had a firm reputation as the most unethical of the 19th century American businessmen known as robber barons. Many times he allowed his rivals to believe that he was beaten, then sprang some legal or contractual loophole on them that completely reversed the situation and gave him the advantage. He pioneered the practice, now commonplace, of declaring bankruptcy as a strategic maneuver. He had no opposition to using stock manipulation and insider trading (which were then legal but frowned upon) to build capital and to execute or prevent hostile takeover attempts. As a result, many contemporary businessmen did not trust Gould and often expressed contempt for his approach to business"

How come you never answer my questions troll? What's a matter are you just too …

How about Eddie Lampert?

How about your notes and flowcharts?

Kris Millegan
On Jul 27, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

I've never read Berlet's writings on Sutton -- in fact, I've read few of his writings, and wasn't impressed by much of what I read.  My views converge with Berlet's on the subject of Christian fundamentalism, and little else.
If you read me carefully, you will notice that I said Sutton did highly valuable research for his time.  He took a snapshot of the power elite at his moment in history, from a particular angle.  I don't find that his world model explains the contemporary scene of global power elite politics very effectively.
There is a single law in this research: follow the money to the top of the food chain.  Most of the self-made billionaires who dominate cutting-edge high tech, especially curtting-edge information technology, are not Skull and Bones members, nor could they give a damn about belonging to such organizations.  They would find the members of those organizations to be incredibly slow-witted and boring, not even worth getting into a conversation with.  Of course, they wouldn't hesitate to hire and use these people for their various ventures, much in the way that Larry Ellison recently hired former attorney general John Ashcroft to work for Oracle.
Politicians are front men and hirelings for powerful economic interests.  Yalies, like Joseph Lieberman, who occupy political office are for the most part simply window dressing and tools and nothing more.
Which four Skull and Bones members would you argue are more powerful than Rupert Murdoch, Mort Zuckerman, Larry Ellison and Bruce Kovner?  Certainly not George W. Bush, John Kerry or Robert Kagan, all of whom who are essentially brainless from the standpoint of the self-made billionaires who have established themselves as overlords of the new information empire.
Stanford University is also a major player -- Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google and Jerry Yang and David Filo of Yahoo are all Stanford products.
I just read a biography of Jay Gould by Edward J. Renahan which provides a wonderful window into understanding the social processes by which power elites form in America.  Do you know it?  Gould did not need to rely on infantile fraternities like Skull and Bones to take command of the world.  The kind of person who gravitates to such props is usually unlikely to possess the kind of genius to rise to the top of the food chain.

RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chip Berlet makes the same claims as Sean about Sutton. Berlet has spent years denigrating Sutton and his works. 

Can you truly discuss Sutton and his works? What do you think of  "Western Technology and Soviet Economic development, 1945 to 1965?"  How about "Energy the created Crisis?" Or "The View from 4-space?" Can you comment about those works?

Care to share your note taking and flow charts or are you too scared of the MOSSAD?

Sutton's world model of secret societies and alliances, where an elite are conspiring against us hoi polloi, is invalid? 

Chip, you keep using your rhetorical tricks and putting words in my and Sutton's mouth. Neither of us say that Bones is all powerful, but that they are part of a secret network. 

Since you are so familiar with Sutton's work, you must have read his two works on the Tri-Lateral Commission, or his work on the Federal Reserve and other power structures. 

So, why do you lie, Chip? Suit your propagandic purpose?

Gee, I guess Smith of Fed Express is running a lemonade stand along with Eddie Lampert - 77k

The have been more Harvard men working for Yalies than the other way around. Prove me wrong. Also it all the same group of cousins. Bones' overarching family unit is the Cabots, subsets of Whitneys and then there are the Baldwins, who go all the way back to a King of Jerusalem. 

And as to the power of Yale, Chip, I know you and troll Sean are cigar smokers from Boston, so you must be Harvard/MIT focused, but the US Presidency has been held by a Yale graduate since 1988. Never been done before. It is unprecedented. Check out the affiliations of many of the high level appointees. 

In 2004 Liebermann, Dean, Kerry and Bush all were Yalies. 

There is a member of Skull & Bones serving as President currently. 

The last election was between two members of Bones, and organization with around 700 living members. 

Naw, there is "no" power at Bones. No power at Yale, the alma mater of the last 18 years of the President of the United States.

No power at Bildebergers. No power at Bohemia Grove. No Power at the CFR, No Power at the Trilateral.

The folks in power would never lie to us. They would never play a "game" to get what they want. No, they always tell us the truth, Chip through his troll, Sean, says so.


So, Chip will you answer this question could Bonesman Eddie Lampert could manage a Burger King? Since Business Week does ask if he is, The Next Warren Buffett?

Are you ever wrong?

What do you do?

Kris Millegan
On Jul 27, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

I've read all of Antony Sutton's works, carefully, with note-taking and flow-charting.  Sutton is so far behind the real power curve that it isn't funny.
He took a snapshot in time of a particular sector of the global power elite.  His world model is close to useless in understanding global politics in the year 2006.
Keep your eye on *self-made* billionaires on the Forbes billionaires list, particularly in all branches of information technology.  That is where the action is.  They are running circles around most of the Skull and Boners, many of whom couldn't even manage a Burger King, never mind found Google or Oracle.

Sharon Gheen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:
Get Antony Sutton's book "America's Secret Establishment,"  he will tell you exactly who and why they are chosen.  In my opinion it's the best.
The Walton's don't have "what it takes" to be in Skull and Bones and remember they have to go to Yale to be chosen and they only choose 15 each year.  Get Sutton's book. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: [ctrl] On the Relative Power of Skull and Bones

Interesting Sean - why did you not ask if  Bill Gates or Warren Buffet were members of Skull & Bones?  What about the Walton Family who controls the world's largest retailer?  
Keep in mind, for once, I don't disagree with your comments about self-made Billionaires and "Skull and Bones" society members, but why did you fail to mention some of the wealthiest Billionaires in the world? 

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:
I recently remarked to you:
"Is Rupert Murdoch a member of Skull & Bones?  Mort Zuckerman?  Larry Ellison?  Bruce Kovner?  Do you think they give a flying fuck about some prissy Yalies, most of whom lack the talent to become self-made billionaires and to join the club that really rules the world?"
I didn't see a response.
I would like for you to explain why, say, Robert Kagan is more powerful than Rupert Murdoch or Mort Zuckerman or Larry Ellison or Bruce Kovner solely by virtue of the fact that he is a member of Skull and Bones.
The truth is, in my estimation, that these self-made billionaires, who operate as part of their own secret society, can eat most Skull and Bones members for lunch.
Please try to address the issue without mentioning the completely irrelevant Chip Berlet.  You will greatly improve your credibility if you do so.

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