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From: callemity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 4, 2006 2:33:04 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Questions that need asking - it's up to you to do that...

  1. Monsanto own the patents on at least a cannabis and poppy strain that has been genetically modified.
  2. Monsanto has developed a fungus that destroys the natural plant of at least cannabis and poppy.  It is supposed their own genetically modified versions are immune.
  3. Monsanto is the provider [in most part] of aerial spraying chemicals, worth several billion USD annually in at least two countries - Afghanistan and Columbia.  In both instances the drug trade is flourishing.  In Columbia, it should be assumed that there is a conspiracy in working order and functioning nicely*.
  4. *Coca is not an annual plant - unless it has been genetically modified.  Coca takes some four years to reach its commerical quantity capacity and it is a bare faced lie told to Congress that 'replanting' is the cause of the annual 'growth in production'.  It is also known and instructions are readily available on the Net to grow hydroponic Coca. 
  5. Monsanto produces hydroponic chemical supplies.
  6. Shortly after the invasion of Afghanistan, the peasant poppy growers complained that someone flew across their [substantial fields on crown] lands and dropped small grey pellets of an unknown kind.   These are subsequently blamed for the massive loss in poppy crops that year.  Since that year, the annual production has increased despite annual increases in both funding and manpower to 'fight the war on drugs'. 
  7. The Taliban not only stood opposed to the gouging from the Ameri - Corps - they had seriously impacted negatively on the poppy growing trade.  That is probably one significant reason that Afghanistan was 'liberated' because directly following the invasion, the poppy trade underwent a significant and 'credibility impossible' revolution that has seen it now grow to produce about 90% of the entire worlds supply of opium drugs on the illegal market. 
  8. There is no clear definition on how that quantity of product is being processed from field to end consumer, though rumor abounds.  There is no doubt that the war in Afghanistan is fought at least in part solely to profit the 'invisible drug barons' - and the Taliban were thoroughly vilified in order to justify the invasion chasing a non national who became a non event.
  9. Because of the nature of the operations required to process such unimaginable volumes of poppy head and sap, the logical conclusion would be to locate recently vacated and up dated caves or other natural formations which could house the production lines invisibly...
  10. It is widely believed in lore that during 2003 - the cannabis and hashish from Afghanistan was 'cut' - or, in lay terms, sprayed lightly with a heavily laced opium concentrate and distributed world wide to the consumers.  This was allegedly done to 'addict' the end user more thoroughly.  This remains unproven but did cause refusal of certain shipments due to the rumor mill. 
  11. Monsanto unsuccessfully trialled commerical grade reefers/cigarettes.  They have now partial shares in the 'puffer' inhaler that is coming onto the market for terminal 'patients'. 
  12. A Russian laboratory discovered that Monsanto owned the patent on a cannabis strain containing the human addiction marker.  This is presumed to be the genetically modified street mull available over California that has authorities worried as it causes extreme intoxication, sells for roughly three times the amount of regular cannabis and is increasingly discovered in raids.  The end result could be that cannabis, a sacremental herb for some 5000 years has been radically altered so that it is not only addictive [a property not known until recently] but has a 'cure' available now.  This alone bears investigation as to deliberately release a medicinal grade altered drug into the public without warning is criminally irresponsible.
  13. Several shipments out of Columbia of cocaine have been intercepted.  In one case, the plane used traced back to official sources.  In two cases, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has had five ton or more destroyed before it could be distributed, and has claimed it is from US sources running illegally and illicitly out of Columbia.  In retaliation and to cause propaganda in an already drug sotted population, Chavez has been accused of personally assisting in the trafficing of illegal drugs into the USA - when no evidence is given or proof offered to substantiate the claims, or effectively debunk the ones he has made himself against the US cartels and Administration.  The attempt to vilify any party that speaks out is common in this instance. 
  14. Substantial efforts were made to ascertain whether it is a genetically modified coca plant resisting the aerial spraying and matched the description of a giant, broad leafed variety that was reported growing in the outter regions and the jungle areas.  A covert investigation and science based testing of these plants revealed no genetically modified material.  This suggests nature has been the corporation and developed its own answer to the sprays or, the sprays are indeed intended solely to kill the peasant farmers crops, reducing the country further and further into economic ruin so that the Corporations themselves can exploit the natural resources, people and economy without recourse available.
  15. The rate of 'forfiet of assets' under drug raids has increased globally. Many of the major departments figure the auction fireselling of these assets into their annual budgets.  In short, it is a public tax that is sold as a public service in the 'war on drugs' that is being deliberately cultivated.  
  16. The 'War on Drugs' is a deliberately cultured and cultivated for profit enterprise that has spawned the invasion of Afghanistan and the endless unrest inside of South America.  There is an invisible set of drug barons peddling death across the world, almost unchecked for want of enough people connecting the dots and making all people aware of the depth this deception goes.   There is no doubt this planet faces a massive 'drug problem' but the current system is designed to protect the 'invisible barons' while stripping a consumer tax from the grassroots of society, and cashing in on the social miseries caused by this hard hearted, brutally practice.
  17. The entire planet is suffering upsurges in illegal drug use.  If one wishes to make a difference, it doesn't start with dobbing in a dealer on the street.  It comes from knowing the truth back to where it all comes from.  One single invisible peice at a time, you will start to understand the sheer magnitude of what the people of this world really face.  Invisible puzzles equal invisible slavery - and drugging slaves for compliance is a most common practice in history.  
The majority of people do not think they can do anything about the drug problem. 
The majority don't know any drug dealers or addicts.   That is true.  What they do know is how to read, and ask questions on behalf of both dealer and addict - of the right people and then keep asking questions until it is a public issue. 
If it is true that addicts need help, every sober person has a responsibility to confront this issue head on and resolve it.   There are too many questions - and sober people are notoriously better at asking for answers rationally than the victims of illegal drugs.  It behoves society that spends billions annually on the detection, prevention and apprehension of drug related issues to explore any possibility to solving the problem the right way - truthfully weeding out each piece of the puzzle until a clear, truthful picture is formed.
Every sober person should cut and paste the above bullet point questions and formally ask for answers to the disturbing picture that can be constructed from them - negative answers, proven beyond any doubt whatsoever are as suitable as positive investigations into corruption that goes so high it is unseeable to the average individual.
If there is nothing to hide, an open and honest investigation should be possible... rather than just a front page 'scape goating' propaganda spread that really doesn't tell the truth at all.


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