-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 10:40 am
Subject: [ctrl] VERY important:  Forwarded: Numbers don't add up in Texas...



----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Virginia Brooks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 5:29 AM

Subject: [FIREBASEVOICE] VERY important: Forwarded: Numbers don't add up in


Of course it is fraud, no other answer to this, when you read about Ron

Paul's own district in Tx....Virginia

(I am forwarding to all CD captains, and as many Ohio groups as possible):

Very Important on this thread: so keep the thread moving through the


_I had a Gentleman call me when I got Home from the Kent Meeting last

night from New York. _

He happens to be publishing a book with photos of all of the 2004

Election Fraud Evidence, that was supposed to be published by a company

in Kent State? He literally has the photographs of burned and otherwise

mutilated, destroyed ballots. He is very familiar with how to follow the

fraud, due to his research in the book. I would call him an investigative

Journalist, in Election Fraud.

I don't know him from Adam.

_He called me last night, from New York, upset about huge numbers of

precincts in Texas, where there were thousands of registered voters, and

ZERO votes at all, with 100 of the Precincts reporting in_.

He repeated so I understood.

He is saying there are precincts with over 2000 registered voters, and

the official count is saying NO one voted at all in that precinct after

the precinct has reported in officially!!

He said he has been studying elections now, for years. He has NEVER seen

anything like this.

He said the number of zero precincts, are especially High in the

Panhandle of Texas.

He also mentioned what Ron here is saying in this post.

Ron Paul got more votes in his precinct for Congressman, than he did for

president in the same precinct. He said, by huge amounts.

Even More important, and possibly something we can all do to help... with

this Ron Paul Fraud.

This investigative Journalist is just about to publish the research on

the fraud, and now, the company that was going to print with his book,

has suddenly pulled out, and refusing to publish.

He was supposed to be doing a book signing at Kent on the anniversary of

the shootings, that happens annually there... I guess.

He now has to self publish, which, given the situation, and the fact that

he is the only one with his "manual", puts him in a great deal of danger.

Maybe I am a little paranoid for him, because of my past experience with

revolution researchers and publishers that have suddenly gone missing, or

suddenly commit suicide, over the past ten years. But while we were on

the phone, we were getting echoes, then, three or four voice cut outs for

ten, then 20 then 30 seconds. Finally, we were disconnected, and could

not get reconnected.

I did ask him to write to me so I could foreword the Texas research he

did to all, and let you hear about the Ron Paul Information, since I know

all of you would care a lot.

I explained to him how to get a hold of the Ron Paul Texas Meetups, so

they could investigate, and move on the situation, if they chose.

I am hoping for an email from him this morning.

I will be trying to call him back all day today.

So please to the degree you can, keep an eye on this thread. If I get him

on the phone, I will let you know. He needs some help getting his

information out, and wants to investigate the Ron Paul campaign and

election fraud, on a larger scale.

Will follow up.... and if he does send an email, I will be sure to post

it to you all


Ron wrote:

They want us to believe that McCain won Texas in a landslide. A place

where I have never heard anyone mention his name, never seen so much as

a bumper sticker, and clearly a state that is covered by Ron Paul signs.

Just for the sake of discussion let's say it's possible. What I find

seriously hard to believe is this:

* Ron Paul got 70% of the vote in his district for Congress-----37,220


* In that same district they want us to believe he only got 6,697 votes

for president.

* That equates to approximately ONLY 1 in 5 people that voted for him

for Congress supported him for President. They can't be serious. Don't

lie to me!!

Please don't take my word for it. Look at the numbers yourself.

Congressional District 14 Results -


Presidential Race District 14 Results -


Please pass it on. Our votes are not counted people. Restore the


Ron Paul 2008, the Revolution has begun!


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