Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 4, 2006 12:17:28 PM PDT
Subject: Anatomy of a troll operation - modus operandi

Anatomy of an Internet troll operation - modus operandi 

Again, we will start off with "Sean" own very authoritative words. spoken like one who knows …

Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] On Some Recent Weird Goings-on in This List
Date: June 29, 2003 8:42:24 PM PDT

"There is something very important you must understand: the bad guys have been trying to control dissident Internet political forums for years now.  They go about this in several ways.
"One way is to start and control a new dissident forum, pretending to be dissidents themselves.  They use their control of the forum to collect sensitive information on dissidents, and to control the direction of discussion on the forum.  Naturally they try to steer discussion away from the areas they most want to hide.
"Another method they use is to try to take over existing forums.  If they can't manage to take over the forum, they will often flood the forum with junk in an attempt to destroy the forum.
"These guys usually operate in teams of 3 or 4, to give each other backup, and to have the means to gang up on the strongest real dissidents."

I have had several major tussles with "Sean" on three of my lists. [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] and finally here on [EMAIL PROTECTED] The result of these actions has been that cia-drugs went from a free and rarely moderated list to one that needs both moderation in both membership and posting. [EMAIL PROTECTED] had earlier been attacked by many nazis and was on a 5-post a day moderation (A moderation unavailable at yahoogroups), and amazing spam and virus attacks attacks so that finally we had to go to make employ a method where posters must confirm their posting by visting a link or replying to an email. 

At the end of each tussle, "Sean" loudly declares the demise of the list. 

These "events" have always started with a bunch of emotional noise, a flame war between some the more "agitated" posters, tthen I a become the focus, either I am censoring folks or letting folks talk to much, etc. 

The last brouhaha as June noted included a big "discussion" about circumcision, etc that rose the level of debate and attacks up, getting the forum in the right  mood for  imposition of the controlled dialectic and/or destruction.

Zombie Trolls, while claiming superior intellect, debating chops, have selected memory loss. 

 I contend  "Sean" to be John Foster "Chip" Berlet, a spook. 

And it would be very advantageous for Berlet to be "Sean." For then Berlet could do his day job, denigrating Sutton and others as wrong, paranoid and crazy, and do his night job collecting all the info on all the little nazis.  I mean Berlet does work with SLPC, you guys heard of them haven't you?

Like I said Trolls have amnesia and you know sometimes in different situations the poor trolls have a problem keeping their stories straight, because they are a lie. Even a troll's name is a lie. When you live a real life you have a foundation for your truth.

During this latest tussle here is what Sean says about Berlet:

Dick Eastman Has Completely Reverted To Nazism   
Message #78886 of 82528
Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:46 pm 
On Chip Berlet
 I am not Chip Berlet.  I have never met or communicated with Chip Berlet.  I have long disliked most of the writings by him I have read, but I have lately been impressed by his (and Andrew Sullivan's) critiques of Christian fundamentalism.
Here is what he said in his very next message:
Message #78891 of 82528
Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:30 pm
Re: [ctrl] On Chip Berlet
What is Berlet up to these days anyways?  I haven't seen one of his essays for over two years now.  I had completely forgotten about him until you mentioned him.  Berlet is not on my list of interesting minds to attend to.  He's mainly a sophistical defender of the status quo.
Here is "Sean" in October 2004 when I first asked if "Sean" was Berlet.
A $10,000 Challenge for Kris Millegan   
Wed Oct 6, 2004 6:07 pm
Message #7511 of 20669 
Thanks for passing along this latest bit of dementia from Millegan -- it's hilarious!
For the record: I am not John Foster "Chip" Berlet.  I have never met Berlet.  I have never communicated or had any dealings with Berlet.  I am familiar with some of Berlet's writings, and strongly disagree with him on nearly every issue he addresses.
Here is what "Sean" said in 2001 before I ever had any notion that "Sean" may be Berlet.
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Chip Berlet in Context
Date: 11/24/01 2:07 PM
Received: 11/27/01 8:51 AM
From: Sean McBride, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Doesn't Chip Berlet's Political Research Associates belong to the same
propaganda, intelligence and police network as the ADL, the Southern
Poverty Law Center, Nizkor, CAMERA and similar organizations which are
funded by characters like Marc Rich and Michael Milken, and all of
which have ties to the Israeli Mossad? Am I missing something?


Well, must run. Much to do. 

Much more to come. 

Kris Millegan



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